6 Vital Life Skills which prove helpful for your Child’s All-Round Development

Life skills play a crucial role in fostering a child’s all-round development. While parents often prioritize education and co-curricular activities for their kid’s development, they often tend to underestimate the importance of teaching life skills to their kids.

Alternatively, kids who are taught life skills right from their childhood, grow up to be responsible, independent, and compassionate human beings.
Thus, if as a parent, you wish to encourage your child’s all-round development, then you must focus on imparting basic life skills to your children. 

Having said that, here’s a checklist of some essential life skills that you need to teach your kids.

Communication Skills: The ability to express your opinions with clarity and confidence goes a long way in developing an impressive persona. Therefore, to hone your child’s verbal and oral communication skills, it’s advisable to incorporate simple communication exercises like listening to audio stories or reading books and newspapers.

Direction Skills: Navigation skills are among the essential life skills. Without proper navigation skills, your children are bound to be dependent upon others for directions. To avoid this, try to develop their sense of direction by teaching them the basics of google maps operation and map reading.

Cooking Skills: You need not teach them Masterchef level cooking, but learning basic cooking skills is necessary. Such skills come in handy when your kids shift out of the house for their further education. Perhaps, you can start with non-fire cooking activities for preschoolers and gradually shift to more complex recipes.

Time Management Skills: Surviving in the world of cut-throat competition, your kid is certainly going to need efficient time management skills. Thus, you can start early by teaching them to prioritize their assignments and projects. Additionally, you can always motivate them by adding a twist of reward for effective time management.

Basic Medical Skills: Basic medical skills like cleaning a wound, applying a band-aid, or checking the expiry of medicines before consuming can prove useful at the time of unfortunate events. Likewise, ensure that you make your kids aware of emergency contacts that can be reached out for in the times of need.

Financial Literacy Skills: While you may consider your children to be too young for this, but kids these days are way smarter than what we think. Introducing basic financial concepts around savings and investment can help your kids to develop a strong financial IQ in the near future. If your kids are too young, then you can start by teaching them the significance of saving.

Thus, this is not an exhaustive list as there are many more life skills that contribute to a child’s all-round development. However, by teaching them these skills, you will start noticing a positive change in their personality.
Similarly, if you have any interesting parenting insights on teaching life skills, then share those insights with us through your comments.

5 Easy techniques to strengthen your kid’s communication skills

Parents are the very first teachers of their child even before they are admitted to the school. Kids begin to communicate with their parents before everyone else and that is why they play a key role in developing the communication skills of your kid.

Acquiring good communication skills is important because kids with good communication skills tend to become confident adults by all means. If parents work at stretching the basic foundation of communication at an early stage, they don’t struggle much on that sphere as a young adult.

Here are several easy techniques that parents can use in order to enhance the communication skills of their children.

  1. Habit of reading
    It is pivotal for kids to have an ingrained habit of reading. Whether its a novel, storybook, or anything else – make sure that they read more. Reading enhances language skills such as vocabulary which stands to be a strong point in communication.
  2. Let them socialize
    It is important for kids to socialize as much as they can. Find their friends or let them find on their own but don’t stop them. Make them share their toys and indulge in as much playtime as they can. Socialising will build their communication skills further without a doubt.
  3. Talk more
    Your kids cannot develop good communication skills if you don’t talk to them. The more they talk to you, the better they would get at communication. Therefore setting up a healthy debate and discussion with them on the topic they might have read or heard about shapes their speech.
  4. Time to think
    A major part of communication is thinking and correctly organizing thoughts. So, while your emphasis on reading and talking it is also pivotal that kids get time to think on a variety of subjects. Let them form opinions & let them take stands. It is important for a good communicator to think better than everyone else.
  5. Write it out
    Every kid cannot be a writer and that’s a fact but you can always encourage them to write. Remember, communication skills is consist of verbal as well as write communication therefore exploring writing as a hobby with them from an early age is not at all a bad move. You can always motivate them to read a story and they write it down in their own words. This exercise helps in the overall development of the kid’s communication skills.

These were the few tips that you as a parent can incorporate at an early age for your child to learn and have a good hang on communication.