Simple Self-defence Techniques You Need to Know

With increasing crime rates day by day, we need to know some basic techniques to keep us and our loved ones safe, in case of being physically attacked. No one wants to think about such a terrifying situation, but we must all be prepared for it.Thankfully, there are several simple self-defence techniques one can learn,regardless of strength, size or any previous training. Here are some ways to stay safe, in case of an unexpectedly violent situation:
● The best kind of self-defence is prevention: Remember attackers always look for vulnerable and unsuspecting targets. So, follow the basic rules to prevent being attacked, like walking or parking in a well-lit area, avoiding secluded streets, not being on the streets too late in the night, informing someone over the phone if you’re alone, and other personal security measures.
● Try your best to avoid confrontation: In a situation where you’re being robbed,just give away your money or phone or whatever they want. Do anything to avoid confrontation – nothing is more precious than your life. Get away from the situation as soon as you can and inform the police when you get the chance.
● In case of confrontation, here’s what you do: Remember you can take down someone bigger or stronger than you. So, in such an unavoidable situation,fight back
○ Be loud and push back: Shout loudly and push back the attacker as hard as you can, the moment he touches you. This may not dissuade all attackers, but, one, it sends signals for help, and two, let’s the attacker know that you’re not easy prey.
○ Body parts to target: In a confrontation, you have to hit hard and hit smart.Some of our body parts are more sensitive than others-target those: eyes, nose,ear, neck, groin, knee, legs. Depending on how close the attacker is to you,determines which body part to strike first. Before you’ve been gained full control over, you must try everything in your capacity to strike and escape.
○ Some techniques: eyes – gouge, poke, or scratch the attacker’s eyes to make him lose vision temporarily, making it easy for your escape.
Nose- Aim for the nasal bone- whether he’s close to you, you can use the heel of your palm to hit his nose, or if he attacks from behind you, use your elbows to make him lose his grip.
Neck- the side of the neck, where the carotid artery and the jugular vein are present, is a better target. For more injury,thrust the elbow into the attacker’s throat.
Knee- Vulnerable from every angle, the knee is an ideal self-defence target. A kick in the knee makes him lose his balance, without the risk of your leg being grabbed.
● Maximize damage:
○ Your elbows, knees and head are the most effective body parts to inflict harm on the attacker.
○ Make use of everyday objects you carry or are available then: like toss some sand in the attacker’s eyes. Or harm him with other sharp objects available. Carry a pepper spray.
○ No matter your size, weight, strength, you can defend your opponent by simply leveraging your weight.
● For best results, take self-defence classes.