7 Qualities that make you Smart and Intelligent

Qualities: Smartness isn’t a mandate, but it is a need of today’s world. It does not come just like that. And not everyone is smart. It is one of the traits of intelligence and depicts your personality.

Smartness and intelligence help you to tackle any given situation and make you show others that you are unique, and you can adapt to all that comes your way.

Here are 7 Qualities that make you Smart and Intelligent

1. Open-mindedness: A smart person is always open-minded and thinks in a very Broadway. Their mentality is not just confined to certain thinking, but they choose to think out of the box and try to do unique things with sheer intelligence.

2. They are adaptable: these people are the ones who do not mind changing themselves according to one’s need. They can change their behavior as required and happily adapt to the surroundings rather than being rigid about a particular thing.

3. They like to learn: if they do not know a particular thing or they ain’t familiar with a particular concept they do not feel ashamed to admit the point that they do not know. They always try to learn all that they do not know rather than being fake to themselves and the entire world at large.

4. They are curious: they are absolutely and passionately curious about anything and everything. They wish to know things as soon as possible and they try to dig out things as much as possible. Their curiosity leads them to a place where they do wonders in the long run.

5. They think out of the box: what makes them different from a normal simple person is that they don’t think the way hundreds of people think. They try to do things in a very different and unique way. They go beyond the limits of their brainpower and find unique ways to do a certain task.

6. They are funny: They are smart so yes; they are funny as well. They tell you things in such a way that their sense of humor tops their list. Their sarcastic ways of telling things funnily without hurting the person are something that talks about their intelligence. They possess a great sense of humor which is understood only by certain people.

7. They read a lot: as they are curious and smart, they tend to read more and more and gain as much knowledge as possible. They are the ones who know about the variety of things, books, authors, etc. They read because they want to become more intelligent and smarter. They are not comparable to anything in this world.

So yes, if you possess all these qualities ,you can be smart and intelligent.

New Year Goals: Things you can do to make 2021 a Better Year

New Year Goals: Yes, there are ways in which you can make your 2021 better and worthy to live. Practice all these and 2021 will do wonders in your life.

1.Begin your day with a smile: As you wake up in the morning each day be thankful to God for giving you another chance in the form of a new fresh day to do all that you desire. Start your day with a smile so that you keep smiling the entire day and you make the best out of the day.

2. Exercise daily: Yes, this is very important because if you are healthy you are happy. An exercise each day keeps you away from harm’s way. Give yourself and your body one hour day and work on yourself so that you are ready to battle with unhealthy things that may at times surround you.

3. Practice meditation: When you meditate you attain peace. You get connected to the Divine energies and most importantly you get connected to the universe at large. Meditation helps you attain mental peace in times of distress and bad health. You can attain the utmost happiness in your life on any day if you are peaceful and away from any tensions. So do it daily.

4. Spend time with your family: This is one of the best ways to make your coming days better because there is no one above our family and our parents. It is extremely important to know whom you have to choose. Our parents and siblings are the only one’s who are constant and who will always support us in all our endeavours.

5. Appreciate more: No matter how the person is or no matter he/she has helped you never stop appreciating. Appreciation is the best gift you can give someone to make them feel worthy and valued. Appreciation not only brings a smile on someone’s face but also gives them confidence.

6. Take enough sleep: You need to make sure you are fresh each day so that you don’t end up lazily. For this, you must take the amount of sleep that your body does require. Laziness leads to nothing. Make sure you get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep each day. And this will make your day better.

7. Focus on your tasks: Everyone does have a to-do list, it is on us how we take it and try to complete it. But, it is also important to prioritize our wants in the order of their actual needs. Mixing everything will fetch us nothing. Hence, just focus on one task at a time and finish it first and go to the next.

7 ways in which parents can instill reading skills in their kids

While schools and teachers teach the kids to learn, read, and write, the skill of reading with an interest and continue to do so comes from parents. From a very early age, asking your kids to read, making him or she understand the value of reading is something that comes from the parents.
Reading is not only essential for education but also for communication. Because of this, the ability to read for comprehension and to communicate effectively is vital and needs to be taught at a young age. Beyond that, reading for pleasure provides a wealth of benefits for kids as they go through school and into adulthood.

So, what are the ways in which parents can instill reading skills in their kids?

  1. Show them: The first and foremost way to do is by showing them. If your child doesn’t see you reading, he or she won’t value reading no matter how much you preach. Take time off every day and read a little of anything.
  2. Make reading material available: Give your child options to read. Instead of handing him/her one book, give options that vary in genre and type. Let them choose it on their own. Giving them an option makes them feel good.
  3. Discuss post reading: Whether your child fishes a story or a poem – ask them about it. Have a healthy quick discussion on whatever is being read frequently. This won’t just enhance the communication skills of your child but it would also help them comprehend what they read and learn.
  4. Introduce technology: It will only help them increase their confidence and self-esteem. Don’t be afraid to replace books with kindle at all. Sign them up into book clubs and encourage them to participate in the discussions.
  5. Promote writing: Alongside reading encourage them to write! Help them craft short stories or poems as they please and read it aloud with them. This will take them more towards reading and writing both, as they both go hand in hand.
  6. Ask questions: Ask questions on opinions, characters, and the story as a whole. Reading should always be active instead of passive, thus make them question what they read & teach them to be curious about it all the time. Sometimes, even including their friends in the discussion can help in a lot many ways.
  7. Regular activity: Make teaching a regular habit at your home. Set a time table if you want in order to make the activity regular and consistent. While this activity is done, keep the distractions as much as away.

These are some of the pointers one needs to remember in order to make the child like reading consistently. Hope these points shall help! Comment below, in case we have missed anything.

How to increase the efficiency of virtual business meetings?

The advent of health crisis has drastically changed the work culture for brands across the globe. The traditional well-structured boardroom meetings are now replaced by chaotic virtual meetings. To top it off, constant delays, technical issues, low productivity, and lack of result-driven meetings have adversely impacted the business operations of various brands.
While there seems to be no end to this health crisis, the only way out is to develop an efficient virtual business meeting framework. Such an efficient virtual meeting framework will not just pace up your business operations but rather it will also help you to optimize on the resources.
Having said that, let’s have a look at some strategies to foster an efficient virtual business meeting work culture.

Setting Virtual Meeting Agenda: Instead of wasting time on pointless interactions, it’s always better to have a well-set business meeting agenda. A well-defined meeting agenda helps employees to figure out the main objective of the meeting. With a clear objective, it becomes relatively easy to avoid aimless discussions in virtual meetings.
Takeaway: Before your virtual business meeting, share a meeting agenda with your employees to increase a business meeting productivity.

Virtual Meeting Duration: Unlike traditional boardroom meetings, you cannot have a closed and distraction-free set-up in virtual meetings. The difference in the set-up is bound to hamper the attention span of meeting attendees. Hence, ensure that your virtual business meetings are short and to the point.
Takeaway: Focus on organizing virtual meetings of about 15-30 minutes rather than opting for hour-long time-consuming meetings.

Meeting Structure: Structured virtual business meetings are directly proportional to the level of your work efficiency. Thus, before you organize a virtual meeting, plan out some aspects like meeting goals, the meeting flow, key pointers to discuss, and time allocations for each task. This structured framework will ensure that all the important issues are being analyzed and discussed.
Takeaway: Organizing a well structured virtual meeting will help your brand to speed up the decision-making processes.

Virtual Software Usage Training: An organization consists of employees from diverse age groups. At such times, every employee may not be techno-savvy. Therefore, it becomes imperative for an organization to support these employees by guiding them on online meeting software usage. Perhaps, you can assign this task to the IT department of your organization.
Takeaway: Train your employees in virtual business meeting software used to save your business meetings from aimless co-ordination and confusion.

Likewise, there are many other tricks like smart time management and the use of technology-driven resources for improving efficiency. However, one thing that you need to incorporate in your virtual meetings is discipline.
Be strict and professional when it comes to dealing with lazy or inefficient employees in virtual meetings. If possible, try to limit the number of participants in your virtual meeting. In case if you have many participants, then you can break them in small groups to avoid confusion.
Thus, by practicing these tricks, we are sure soon you will start noticing the positive change of increased efficiency in your virtual business meetings.

6 Vital Life Skills which prove helpful for your Child’s All-Round Development

Life skills play a crucial role in fostering a child’s all-round development. While parents often prioritize education and co-curricular activities for their kid’s development, they often tend to underestimate the importance of teaching life skills to their kids.

Alternatively, kids who are taught life skills right from their childhood, grow up to be responsible, independent, and compassionate human beings.
Thus, if as a parent, you wish to encourage your child’s all-round development, then you must focus on imparting basic life skills to your children. 

Having said that, here’s a checklist of some essential life skills that you need to teach your kids.

Communication Skills: The ability to express your opinions with clarity and confidence goes a long way in developing an impressive persona. Therefore, to hone your child’s verbal and oral communication skills, it’s advisable to incorporate simple communication exercises like listening to audio stories or reading books and newspapers.

Direction Skills: Navigation skills are among the essential life skills. Without proper navigation skills, your children are bound to be dependent upon others for directions. To avoid this, try to develop their sense of direction by teaching them the basics of google maps operation and map reading.

Cooking Skills: You need not teach them Masterchef level cooking, but learning basic cooking skills is necessary. Such skills come in handy when your kids shift out of the house for their further education. Perhaps, you can start with non-fire cooking activities for preschoolers and gradually shift to more complex recipes.

Time Management Skills: Surviving in the world of cut-throat competition, your kid is certainly going to need efficient time management skills. Thus, you can start early by teaching them to prioritize their assignments and projects. Additionally, you can always motivate them by adding a twist of reward for effective time management.

Basic Medical Skills: Basic medical skills like cleaning a wound, applying a band-aid, or checking the expiry of medicines before consuming can prove useful at the time of unfortunate events. Likewise, ensure that you make your kids aware of emergency contacts that can be reached out for in the times of need.

Financial Literacy Skills: While you may consider your children to be too young for this, but kids these days are way smarter than what we think. Introducing basic financial concepts around savings and investment can help your kids to develop a strong financial IQ in the near future. If your kids are too young, then you can start by teaching them the significance of saving.

Thus, this is not an exhaustive list as there are many more life skills that contribute to a child’s all-round development. However, by teaching them these skills, you will start noticing a positive change in their personality.
Similarly, if you have any interesting parenting insights on teaching life skills, then share those insights with us through your comments.

5 Easy techniques to strengthen your kid’s communication skills

Parents are the very first teachers of their child even before they are admitted to the school. Kids begin to communicate with their parents before everyone else and that is why they play a key role in developing the communication skills of your kid.

Acquiring good communication skills is important because kids with good communication skills tend to become confident adults by all means. If parents work at stretching the basic foundation of communication at an early stage, they don’t struggle much on that sphere as a young adult.

Here are several easy techniques that parents can use in order to enhance the communication skills of their children.

  1. Habit of reading
    It is pivotal for kids to have an ingrained habit of reading. Whether its a novel, storybook, or anything else – make sure that they read more. Reading enhances language skills such as vocabulary which stands to be a strong point in communication.
  2. Let them socialize
    It is important for kids to socialize as much as they can. Find their friends or let them find on their own but don’t stop them. Make them share their toys and indulge in as much playtime as they can. Socialising will build their communication skills further without a doubt.
  3. Talk more
    Your kids cannot develop good communication skills if you don’t talk to them. The more they talk to you, the better they would get at communication. Therefore setting up a healthy debate and discussion with them on the topic they might have read or heard about shapes their speech.
  4. Time to think
    A major part of communication is thinking and correctly organizing thoughts. So, while your emphasis on reading and talking it is also pivotal that kids get time to think on a variety of subjects. Let them form opinions & let them take stands. It is important for a good communicator to think better than everyone else.
  5. Write it out
    Every kid cannot be a writer and that’s a fact but you can always encourage them to write. Remember, communication skills is consist of verbal as well as write communication therefore exploring writing as a hobby with them from an early age is not at all a bad move. You can always motivate them to read a story and they write it down in their own words. This exercise helps in the overall development of the kid’s communication skills.

These were the few tips that you as a parent can incorporate at an early age for your child to learn and have a good hang on communication.

8 Questions To Definitely Ask At A Job Interview

An interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of a company who is looking to hire is called a job interview. It is conducted to evaluate whether the job applicant should be hired or not. The job interview process is the most important process used for the selection of employees. Job interviews are of two types. Structured Interviews and Unstructured Interviews. Structured Interviews are the one where the applicant is asked multiple predetermined list of questions. Unstructured Interviews are the ones where the applicant is asked free-wheeling questions and is more breezy.

Job interviews are one of the most crucial parts of our lives. It increases our speaking ability and capacity in front of other people. Job interviews are usually very intimidating. Everyone has a specific way of handling an interview. Some people are better at handling interviews because they are generally more confident within themselves. Others usually lose their calm during an interview and end up blowing it. That is the reason why you should be prepared for the interview beforehand by having an idea about the questions that might be asked. There are certain questions that are always asked in interviews. Before attending an interview, we should form an idea about those.

8 questions to definitely ask at a job interview are :

  1. So Tell Me A Little About Yourself.
    This question seems really simple and easy but often most people fail to answer this question with ease even though this is one of the very crucial questions. When answering this question, we shouldn’t give out our total employment history or personal history. Instead, we should give a little summary of your skills and talents which shows them why we are the right pick for the job.
  2. What Do You Know About The Company?
    Any applicant is capable of knowing and learning about the company on it’s about page. So when interviewers ask us this, they are not trying to understand whether we understand the work or mission of the company, but they are trying to understand whether we care enough to work for the company or not. So we should say things accordingly which makes us look like we are really passionate about working at the company.
  3. How Did You Hear About This Position?
    This is again one of the very crucial questions that need to be answered properly. Through this question, we should be able to show our passion and interest in the company. If we found out about the company through a billboard or their website or article then share that with the interviewers to show them your interest in the company.
  4. Why Do You Want This Job?
    Companies want to hire employees who are passionate about the job and the company so we should be able to answer this question with ease and skills to make them feel like we are interested in. This again is one of the most important questions asked at a job interview. We should be able to show the interviewers that we are the perfect choice for the job.
  5. Why Should We Hire You?
    This is a very forward yet intimidating question at the same time. This is the go-to question for interviewees to showcase their skills to sell themselves to the interviewers. If your answer to this question is perfect and to the point, this question might end up getting you employed.
  6. What Are Your Greatest Professional Strengths?
    While answering this question we should be accurate, specific, and relevant. We should share with the interviewers the fields we are strong in, the things we are capable of doing, and what we will be able to give to the company. We should be able to showcase ourselves as talented and skilled in certain fields.
  7. What Are Your Weaknesses?
    This is one of the very tricky questions. Through this question, the interviewers are trying to understand what and what not we are capable of doing. We should be truthful while answering this question but at the same time we need to assure them about the fact that we are working on our weaknesses to get better. This, in turn, will make the company feel safe.
  8. What Are Your Ways To Deal With Challenges?
    The interviewers ask us this question to acquire an idea about how we deal with problems, challenges, or conflicts. We should be very careful while answering this question. We should be able to explain to the company how good we are with challenges and how we handle them. We should be able to make them feel safe with us on board.

Fulfilling Career Prospects In UAE( United Arab Emirates )

Fulfilling Career Prospects In UAE( United Arab Emirates )

The United Arab Emirates is typically a country in Western Asia with Abu Dhabi as its capital and Dubai as the largest city. The economy of UAE is the second largest in the middle-east and is known to have the most diversified economy. Hence it is not very surprising to have an excellent career opportunity in the UAE.

Here we bring to you a few promising careers in the country:-

  1. A career as an engineer in the UAE- The country of Arab is known to be the third-largest producer of oil in the middle-east and hence the skylines of the cities there serve the most important purpose, that is, helps in the import and export of oil and minerals. These skylines always need to be checked for safety and evolving with better technology and finance. Hence the requirement of engineers is very high in the country. Jobs are available for all levels of engineers in any course of engineering, be it civil or mechanical or chemical or electrical or environmental. These engineers get paid a very decent amount for their work which keeps increasing as they get promoted in their respective fields along with several benefits.
  2. Travel and Tourism Industry In UAE – With the development of the travel and tourism industry in the country, the demand for professionals in fields like hotel management, spa, personal trainers, resort managers, chefs, and bartenders have shot very high employing numerous youths and unemployed. Also with evolving airlines of the country, it has become easier for tourists to visit the grandeur of UAE with the best of luxuries thus shooting up prosperous careers in this field.
  3. Marketing Jobs – One of the advantages of having a diversified and booming economy is that the residents of the country have a lot of income to be disposed of according to their necessities and luxuries and hence multinational advertising and marketing companies choose this region to set up their business or organizations. People from foreign countries can get jobs in these multinational institutions as a marketing assistant, marketing analyst, marketing consultant, etc. Also, the tag of the UAE in your profile would put up your impression when you go for an interview in some other place.
  4. Medical career in UAE- With the development of new medical centers and hospitals in the region, a large number of medical professionals with expertise in varying fields are needed to fulfilling the vacancies. So with a medical degree, one can get a high paid job in the UAE which is tax-free and also enjoys the benefits of the posts on which one is working. If you are someone experienced in the field then chances are even higher of getting above decent salaries. Some hospitals also team up with research centers or universities making this career very rewarding.
  5. A career as a teacher- The emerging economy demands for the future generation of the country to be as qualified as possible so that they can run their country. Hence teachers are required in large numbers to educate the people out there. Also with rapid growth in medical, marketing, and engineering fields, more teachers for teaching subjects like English, Mathematics, Business Management, and Science. Hence a career as a teacher is also advantageous in the long run.
  6. Member of Cabin Crew – As the development of airlines is at a peak so it’s very obvious to require more members for working in the airport and cabin crew. Hence applying for jobs of air hostess or pilot is undoubtedly one of the most paid jobs in the country.
  7. Finance Job- In a place where it is huge is a huge transaction of money throughout the day, be it any department, the job as a financer is very challenging and extremely important because it is so not possible for few people to handle the accounting of such huge amount of money transactions. If you are eligible enough for this post then UAE can offer you amazing employment packages be it private banks or public.
  8. Journalism – Media is always a point of attraction, be it any city or any country. The industry needs people who are experienced in various types of media handling like writers, editors, videographers, PR managers, journalists. Also, journalism can lead you to visit different places. So if you like adventures and excitements then opting for journalism jobs in UAE is also a good start to prospectus career.

Why You Must Choose a Job that Fulfills Your Passion

Why You Must Choose a Job that Fulfils Your Passion

When choosing a job, there are a lot of factors that you have to take into account: money usually being the most important one. Money undeniably is an important part of our lives, as it can buy us all the temporary happiness. But it can’t buy time- so if you choose a job, that pays you well, but you realize in a few years that it’s not what you wanted to do, you cannot get the time back. In today’s world, where jobs are scarce, most of us are stuck doing jobs that we hate just for the sake of the money. But we can’t do this for the rest of our lives – we should do something that we’re genuinely passionate about. Here’s why:

●    Money may motivate you temporarily, but not forever: Waking up every morning 5days a week for your 9-5 job is anything but fun. No matter how much your salary, it is stressful and unfulfilling. You may bear with it for a few years,but it will soon start to frustrate you, affecting your health and work. So do not run after money – a low paying job that you enjoy doing will be able to satisfy you better.

●    You do your work with more interest and passion: The everyday work that you do mindlessly, and just to meet the deadlines can be exhausting. But there’s no such exhaustion when you do something you enjoy doing- work doesn’t feel like work anymore!

●    Relating to your work, you can come up with new innovative ideas: when you’re not forced to do certain work, you enjoy your creative freedom – you think better,you work better, and you feel better. You have the space to shape your new ideas and create more.

●    Work doesn’t feel forced anymore: In the endless cycle of misery, where you run after money instead of health and your passion, you will only hate your job even more with every passing day. Some might say, that the more money you have,the more you’ll enjoy after you retire. But you do not have the energy at that age, and why put yourself through years of misery for that.

●    You’ll even enjoy over – time: When you’re doing something you love, putting in some extra hours work will not be a problem for you. There’s a busy season for every industry, and you’ve got to work extra during that time. It is more comfortable if you’re working somewhere you like, rather than someplace you can’t stand.

●    You are ready to go that extra mile for your job: There may arise certain obligations that make you go beyond your call of duty and maybe take responsibility of stuff that’s not part of your day to day work. But since you are passionate about what you do, and you genuinely care about the work, you’ll be putting in extra effort willingly.

●    Success will automatically follow: When you do something with so much care and responsibility, you put it your time and effort, you will surely succeed. There will be highs and lows, obstacles, but you’ll come up with creative solutions to deal with them.

We will be working most of our lives; our careers consume the prime years of our lives- so doing something we love will help us lead a happy life.