Exercise Helps You Digest Well

Exercise Helps You Digest Well

Poor digestion is mostly linked to the low energy levels of a person, a feeling of being uncomfortable at all times, improper bowel movements, excess stress, poor liver health and can even lead to weight gain. Look at these easy exercises which can definitely help you in your digestion and also help you melt your body fat.

Digestion is basically the process of breaking down of food that we intake for gaining energy and nutrition. It is one of the most important functions of the body and at most of the times, we ignore it. Healthy digestion also helps to eliminate toxins and keeping your stomach light and detoxed. Improper digestion,constipation, irregular bowel movement and other chronic digestive disorder scan take a huge effect on the overall health of the body. Poor digestion is usually related to low energy levels, excessive weight gain and negative impact on the whole body and organs. Apart from keeping healthy eating habits, some of the exercises can also help you in improving your gut health.

These exercises can help in your digestion cycle.

  1. Taking a Brisk Walk

Walking is one of the simplest exercises that one can include in his daily workout. A short walk for around 30 to 40 minutes daily would help you solve your digestion problems and other medical conditions. It helps to stimulate the intestinal activity thereby helping with the smooth passage of stool through the colon.

  • Cycling

Along workout is also quite effective in the proper functioning of your digestive system. Not only the gut health, but it also helps to reduce the belly fat.

  • Stomach Crunches

This simple ab workout basically focuses on the abdominal muscles to bring back your digestive system on the track. You can try out the different versions of this exercise like vertical leg crunch, long arm crunch and also the reverse crunch. Regular sit-ups and crunches are also the best exercises for healthy digestion.

  • Regular Yoga

Some of the yoga poses like the boat pose, child’s pose, the standing forward bend, downward and the upward dog, the triangle pose, and the bow pose helps a lot in improving digestion. This helps in the stretching and relaxing of the abdominal muscles thereby avoiding problems like bloating and acidity. Yoga also helps inthe reduction of stress which is another factor that causes digestive issues.

  • The Breathing Exercises

Most people are not aware of this simple exercise but according to research and studies, it has been proved that breathing can also help in proper digestion. A proper breathing pattern can help you in solving problems like heart burn and bloating in the stomach. All you need to do is just sit up straight and practice breathing deeply and slowly in and out. Breathing also helps in relaxation of your belly muscles thereby improving the stool flow. This can help a person relax and thereby control his or her stress level as well.

10 Must-read Books from Authors Around the World

Reading books is one of the best ways to spend your free time and gather knowledge.Here is a collection of 10 famous books from authors all over the world.

  1. Children of the blood and bone by Tomi Adeyemi

The story, Children of blood and Bone revolves around the story of Zelie a young girl from a fantasy kingdom which is known as Orisha where magic and magical items have been banned. Zelie’s white hair is a sign that the girl possesses the latent magical powers that can only be activated by a scroll that has disappeared centuries ago. The novel has a smart and reverting adventure story which has been targeted to the readers of the age of around 14 and up.

2. My sister – the serial killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

The writer’s debut novel My sister the serial killer is basically about a woman named Korede and her younger sister Ayoola who have had an unfortunate habit of murdering their boyfriends and their ex-boyfriends. Every time the younger sibling takes a life, Korede is always present to clear things up for her.

3. The black leopard, red wolf by Marlon James

In the novel, Black leopard, Red wolf, tracker is a well respected Hunter who always loves working alone. He is hired to locate a boy who has been missing for nearly three years. He ends up joining a gang of unusual characters which also includes a shape-shifting man-animal called the leopard who is also engaged in the hunt. Marlon James writer also won the 2015 man Booker prize for his novel a brief history of seven killings.

4. An orchestra of minorities by Chigozie Obioma

The story has been narrated by the guardian spirit known as chi. The novel narrates the story of a poor poultry farmer named Chinoso who cleverly saves the life of young women named Ndali by throwing away two of his prized chickens into a river where the young lady is about to jump. The farmer falls in love with a young lady but her wealthy family disapproves due to his lack of education.

5. On the come up by Angie Thomas

As the only daughter of the famous underground Hip Hop icon and who died too young, the 16-year-old Bridge aspires of becoming the greatest rap artists of all times.

6. Go ahead in the rain by Hanif Abdurraqib

The novel, go ahead in the rain is the author’s third non-fiction book. It is basically a love letter to the era of hip hop and critical essays and poetic language has been used to pay homage to The tribe called quest.

7. Thick by Tressie Cotton

In the essay collection Thick, American author focuses on social media, the feminism rites, violence, body positivity and more through the eyes of a black lady.

8. Heavy by Kiese Laymon

Heavy is basically a collection of the autobiographical essays that draws on the author’s life growing up in southern America.

9. The sources of Self-regard by Tonight Morrison

The books first part features a prayer for the departed souls of 9/11, the second part is a meditation from Martin Luther King Junior and the last part offers a eulogy for James Baldwin.

10. Feel free by Zadie Smith

The famous novelist Zadie Smith writes this essay on the collection of the cultural criticism that addresses the impact that has affected the past and present artist from pop cultures like Michael Jackson, Fred Astaire and Beyonce.

Simple Self-defence Techniques You Need to Know

Simple Self-defence Techniques You Need to Know

With increasing crime rates day by day, we need to know some basic techniques to keep us and our loved ones safe, in case of being physically attacked. No one wants to think about such a terrifying situation, but we must all be prepared for it.Thankfully, there are several simple self-defence techniques one can learn,regardless of strength, size or any previous training. Here are some ways to stay safe, in case of an unexpectedly violent situation:

●    The best kind of self-defence is prevention: Remember attackers always look for vulnerable and unsuspecting targets. So, follow the basic rules to prevent being attacked, like walking or parking in a well-lit area, avoiding secluded streets, not being on the streets too late in the night, informing someone over the phone if you’re alone, and other personal security measures.

●    Try your best to avoid confrontation: In a situation where you’re being robbed,just give away your money or phone or whatever they want. Do anything to avoid confrontation – nothing is more precious than your life. Get away from the situation as soon as you can and inform the police when you get the chance.

●    In case of confrontation, here’s what you do: Remember you can take down someone bigger or stronger than you. So, in such an unavoidable situation,fight back

○    Be loud and push back: Shout loudly and push back the attacker as hard as you can, the moment he touches you. This may not dissuade all attackers, but, one, it sends signals for help, and two, let’s the attacker know that you’re not easy prey.

○    Body parts to target: In a confrontation, you have to hit hard and hit smart.Some of our body parts are more sensitive than others-target those: eyes, nose,ear, neck, groin, knee, legs. Depending on how close the attacker is to you,determines which body part to strike first. Before you’ve been gained full control over, you must try everything in your capacity to strike and escape.

○    Some techniques: eyes – gouge, poke, or scratch the attacker’s eyes to make him lose vision temporarily, making it easy for your escape.

Nose- Aim for the nasal bone- whether he’s close to you, you can use the heel of your palm to hit his nose, or if he attacks from behind you, use your elbows to make him lose his grip.

 Neck- the side of the neck, where the carotid artery and the jugular vein are present, is a better target. For more injury,thrust the elbow into the attacker’s throat.

Knee- Vulnerable from every angle, the knee is an ideal self-defence target. A kick in the knee makes him lose his balance, without the risk of your leg being grabbed.

●    Maximize damage:   

○    Your elbows, knees and head are the most effective body parts to inflict harm on the attacker.

○    Make use of everyday objects you carry or are available then: like toss some sand in the attacker’s eyes. Or harm him with other sharp objects available. Carry a pepper spray.

○    No matter your size, weight, strength, you can defend your opponent by simply leveraging your weight.

●    For best results, take self-defence classes.

Why You Must Choose a Job that Fulfills Your Passion

Why You Must Choose a Job that Fulfils Your Passion

When choosing a job, there are a lot of factors that you have to take into account: money usually being the most important one. Money undeniably is an important part of our lives, as it can buy us all the temporary happiness. But it can’t buy time- so if you choose a job, that pays you well, but you realize in a few years that it’s not what you wanted to do, you cannot get the time back. In today’s world, where jobs are scarce, most of us are stuck doing jobs that we hate just for the sake of the money. But we can’t do this for the rest of our lives – we should do something that we’re genuinely passionate about. Here’s why:

●    Money may motivate you temporarily, but not forever: Waking up every morning 5days a week for your 9-5 job is anything but fun. No matter how much your salary, it is stressful and unfulfilling. You may bear with it for a few years,but it will soon start to frustrate you, affecting your health and work. So do not run after money – a low paying job that you enjoy doing will be able to satisfy you better.

●    You do your work with more interest and passion: The everyday work that you do mindlessly, and just to meet the deadlines can be exhausting. But there’s no such exhaustion when you do something you enjoy doing- work doesn’t feel like work anymore!

●    Relating to your work, you can come up with new innovative ideas: when you’re not forced to do certain work, you enjoy your creative freedom – you think better,you work better, and you feel better. You have the space to shape your new ideas and create more.

●    Work doesn’t feel forced anymore: In the endless cycle of misery, where you run after money instead of health and your passion, you will only hate your job even more with every passing day. Some might say, that the more money you have,the more you’ll enjoy after you retire. But you do not have the energy at that age, and why put yourself through years of misery for that.

●    You’ll even enjoy over – time: When you’re doing something you love, putting in some extra hours work will not be a problem for you. There’s a busy season for every industry, and you’ve got to work extra during that time. It is more comfortable if you’re working somewhere you like, rather than someplace you can’t stand.

●    You are ready to go that extra mile for your job: There may arise certain obligations that make you go beyond your call of duty and maybe take responsibility of stuff that’s not part of your day to day work. But since you are passionate about what you do, and you genuinely care about the work, you’ll be putting in extra effort willingly.

●    Success will automatically follow: When you do something with so much care and responsibility, you put it your time and effort, you will surely succeed. There will be highs and lows, obstacles, but you’ll come up with creative solutions to deal with them.

We will be working most of our lives; our careers consume the prime years of our lives- so doing something we love will help us lead a happy life.  

10 Things to do to Remain Financially Independent in the Long Run

Holding cash in your bank account to have a secure and safe future is a thing of the past. The returns that you would receive from keeping your money in the bank is far lesser than the earning that you would get after investing in bonds, all FDs, any kind of stock market, SIPs and mutual funds. Investing is the main key for the people who want to be successful unsuccessfully independent in their future. investing is not the only thing, you will have to keep track of investment return and stay in there for long term investment.
Here is a list of advice that all the professional investors have suggested so to help you stay independent financially in the long run.

  1. Try and keep the things simple and do not run for quick money
    The professional gamblers always advise the investors to invest in things of which they have proper knowledge. If you are not a professional and you do not have proper knowledge about the investment, you must always stick to your limitations.
  2. The rich and the poor philosophy
    A popular convention in the field investment market is that you need to save a little amount after all this spending that you have invested and then invest the savings.
  3. The careful approach
    When you are overcoming with guilt for spending too much at the end of the month you usually start thinking plans of how you can cut down the expenses on frivolous things. Frugality is not basically about cutting down your expenses, it is mainly about spending on things that you love and then mercilessly cutting down the cost on things that you don’t.
  4. Limit the amount of borrowing
    The credit cards that users can be quite alluring. Borrowing the amount that seems impossible right now would be affordable within a few months. You are sure to fail in your financial part if you increase the leverage.
  5. Chalk out a plan
    We spend a lot in a certain month and then we try to cut off the expensive in the next month thereby falling in a vicious circle of debt. Try and make a simple expenditure plan as well as an investment plan.
  6. Invest in long terms
    If you are in the habit of keeping in and out of the market, you are sure to lose due to the upheavals of the market.
  7. SIP usually takes away the human bias
    A systematic investment plan is something which the experts love to create. It is always believed to be a disciplined part of the long-term investment. Famous investors and managers say that SIP is the easiest way to gain wealth.
  8. Reviewing your portfolio is an important part of the investment
    A sound investment plan is simply matching your liabilities and your assets. The main purpose of planning is to come from personal biases and invest in the long-term rationally.
  9. Do your homework
    While there are thousands of investors available in the market, it is very easy to gather the knowledge on your own in the internet market.
  10. The answer lies inside of you
    If you have planned to invest only for a couple of weeks, then do not think for long-term investments.

8 Ways in Which You Can Say Yes to a Healthy Lifestyle

8 Ways in Which You Can Say Yes to a Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to a point of living a healthy lifestyle, there are thousands of rules which are honestly quite hard to keep. Do not have this, do not drink that, no more of this exercise, do less of that activity – the list is never-ending.  It is always advised to not focus on the craziness of the health world that is the diet or the coolest workouts and go back to your own basics.

In this article we have summed up 8 steps which might help you lead a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Do not eat the food which comes in a box

If you think properly, you will notice that most of the unhealthy and unhygienic and highly processed foods are always found in boxes in the supermarket. Surely the packaged food is pretty delicious, but it also comes with the worst effect sand outcomes on your body. Instead of eating packaged food products which comes with additives, preservatives, artificial sugar try and stick to the home production section as much as possible as this food will keep you healthy both physically and mentally.

  • Try and eat more veggies as possible

A Trendy diet or the latest buzzy health book can be quite trendy and appealing but what is the reality? The best thing that can be done to keep your body healthy is to eat mostly plants.  You are sure to get a healthy dose of protein, fiber, healthy fats nutrients and proper vitamins and therefore you won’t be eating empty calories in the process.

  • Try and meditate every single day

 It can be quite tough to find at least 10 to15 minutes a day to devote yourself to meditation, but we can assure you that it would bring a huge difference in your well being. Advantages would be that you will get rid of stress and anxiety in the process, thus making a happy and would help you sleep better.

  • Focus on clean beauty

Clean all your cabinets and start investing in natural and cruelty-free items that will not just improve your skin but is also good for the environment.

  • Try and find out a workout that suits you

Try and figure out the best workout methods that actually suit you. Do not waste your time in dragging yourself to the gym and doing activities that you don’t like.

  • Make the eight hours of daily sleep a priority

The lack of sleep basically results in poor memory, low energy, drowsy feeling and irritable that can also change your personality drastically. Try and make a habit of not spending too much time at night and getting good 8-hour sleep.

  • Have 8 glasses of water every day

Water is the most important liquid for our body, but we usually tend to forget the 8glasses of water, thus making us tired and low on energy.

  • Do not avoid your breakfast

Breakfast is an important part of our healthy diet, but we tend to forget it. A survey found that a protein-packed breakfast helps you with weight loss and food craving for the whole day.

List of the Documents Required to Buy a New Apartment

List of the Documents Required to Buy a New Apartment

Buying your desired apartment is a dream come true. However, to achieve that you have to go through a lot of distress. But with the adequate knowledge you can easily wrap up the whole thing just by following these steps which informs you about the exact documentation required to buy an apartment:

  1. A Sale Deed is the most important legal document that proves the sale and transfer of ownership of property from the seller to the buyer. It is a mandatory process and one should execute the sale agreement before the Sale Deed is executed.
  2. Next comes the Mother Deed. It is the parent legal documentation which helps in tracing the antecedent ownership from the initiation. It also helps in further sales of the property establishing new ownership.
  3. Building Approval Plan comes after the above two. It needs to be sanctioned by the concerned official body without which the construction process is rendered illegal. An approved plan needs to be collected from the jurisdictional Commissioner.
  4. Following this is the Commencement Certificate(for an under-construction property) which is legally issued by the local authorities after careful inspection of the site. This document is required for the project to meet given criteria and helps in the initiation of the project by the builder.
  5. After this is the Conversion Certificate(Agricultural to Non-Agricultural land). This is mandatory and has to be obtained from the legal body for the property. It is issued for changing an agricultural land to a non-agricultural land from the competent revenue authority.
  6. Account Certificate and Account Extract- This is the account which registers an account of the person owning the property. An Account Certificate is basically a mandatory requirement for registration of anew property or shifting of a property. On the contrary, Account Extract is all about obtaining the property details of the owner from the assessment registrar. These details are required for the property transaction trade license.
  7. Encumbrance Certificate- An EC is typically registered transactions conducted on the property during the time it is sought.As far definition is concerned, it can be explained as charges in the ownership or the liabilities created on a property that is being held against a home loan as security. A titular fee is collected on a yearly basis.
  8. Betterment Charges Receipt- These are development fees that have to be paid before an account is issued.
  9. Power of Attorney- It involves a legal procedure to authorize another person by the property owner on their behalf.
  10. Latest Tax paid receipt ensuring taxes are being paid on regular basis to the government.
  11. Completion Certificate upon completion of the property and Occupancy Certificate also have to be shown.

Why Paying EMI is Better Than Paying Rent

Why Paying EMI is Better Than Paying Rent

A common refrain heard is that“it is better to pay an EMI and own a home, rather than pay a rent and make someone else rich”. While this argument does have merits of its own, there are certain times when paying a rent makes more sense. So, for taking a decision of buying/renting after carrying out an analysis of your financial position,debt-income ratio, need vs want of owning a home, expected trends in the property markets and other factors. But here we will see some of the benefits of paying Equated Monthly Installments(EMI) in buying a home over the rent.

Tax Benefits:

Besides getting to own an asset the principal repayment of your home loan is eligible for deduction under Sec80C. It means you are better equipped to make use of the entire deduction allowed. Also, interest payable of up to Rs 2 lakhs is deductible from your income. If it is a joint home loan, both the spouses are eligible to claim deductions up to Rs 2 lakhs, if the loan repayment is done in equally by both.

Source of Additional Income:

One can always rent out the property if not occupied by self and paying the EMI. This could lower some burden of EMI payment.

When EMI Makes Sense Financially:

The first factor to evaluate in the rent vs EMI debate is your financial position. You may have found the perfect house – which is close to work and school and has all the amenities you need for a good life close to you. Find out the approximate price with all additional costs. Paying EMI will be better if this sum is more than 75% of your proposed EMI.

How much Upfront Payment can you Afford?

Generally, you may be eligible for a home loan that covers up to 80% of the cost, means, you have to pay around 20% to 25% of this amount upfront as your contribution. For example,with your down payment, you will get a loan amount of Rs: 48 lakhs for a Rs: 60lakh home. This would put your EMI at approximately Rs: 50,000 per month, based on current rates of interest. If you can pay over 50% of the value of the home as your contribution, then that will be a good idea for you to invest and pay EMI.

Will you be Ready for Pre-Payment?

In an ideal scenario, you should be prepared for a total pre-payment of your loan amount within a few years of beginning it. Keeping in mind that making regular EMI payments will get you a good discount when you work on pre-payment. So, calculate your finances and make a projection of where you will stand a decade or so after taking the loan. Pre-paying even a small amount of around Rs: 10,000, in a reducing EMI scheme,will help you make some good savings while buying a home. This will help you making a decision on buying a home with EMI.

10 Things You Must Understand About Investment

10 Things You Must Understand About Investment

Every year, Inflation lops an average of3.87% of the value of your money. Investment is the only way by which you can grow your money and outpace it. So, investing is important. Investments can be done in various forms and you must decide where to invest your money. For the help in navigating through the investing field 10 basics need to understand about investment.

For Stock Market investment don’t rely on the past behavior to predict for the future. Though professionals can make educated guesses on the market’s future predictions no one can reliably predict the market.

Investing is always risky. Either you could earn money or loss it. Professionals recommend you should not invest money if required in next 5 years, for if the market falls you won’t have enough time to recover it.

For investing you do not need to be an expert. A lot of information in books and podcasts and even financial planners,wealth advisers and robot-advisers are available. Simply to start with you can invest in your office’s retirement plan, if available, following it can go for Roth IRA or traditional IRA and so on.

The earlier you start, the more you gain.The biggest asset is time for all kind of investments even retirement savings as it grows in compound interest and nothing can match it. In addition, if you lose in the market you will have more time to recover it before you required.

Set a goal for your investment based on reason. purpose and objective. Once you established the objective then your investment time frame will be known, and you can plan out how to invest.

Investment is dependent on your time availability and reaching your goal. Based on these you can set your strategy. For investment there are 3 types of asset classes: cash, bonds, and equities and each of them have their own expected rates of return ranges over a time-period which helps determine how to invest. If your money requirement in:

0 to 2 years – Cash asset. It has some sub-categories like savings accounts, CDs, and money-market accounts. These have a low return rate and stable.

2 to 5 years – Bonds asset. Normally, they generate from 3% to 8% high over a time-period. These are more stable than stocks and generate a higher income than cash. They also fluctuate but not like stocks.

5 or more years – Stocks asset. They eventually outpace the inflation and brings the most return. They have a huge range of returns from -38% to even +30%. In a time of 70 – 80 years, it can reliably generate about 8% return.

Never invest in one place, always diversified your investment.

Investments come with a cost like fees and taxes.

Don’t get emotional on your investments and move them constantly. Just leave them alone and avoid getting into the anxiety of constant market updates.

Don’t forget your investments forever. A sin time, your selected portfolio may not suit your current situation and need to be re-balanced.

Row House or Flat? Choose Wisely

If you are stuck between choosing flat or row house for your new home, we can understand the dilemma. There are many pros and cons on both side and you have to think as per investment point as well. So here is the list of things you should consider before buying a row house or flat, choose wisely.

  • Privacy: one of the main reasons the new couple wants to go to a new home is the privacy. Now in the flat, you will have the total privacy of your own and doesn’t need to worry about who lives next doors. Although occasions you will find that person who lives above you have love to dance or next to you have big stereo, which could ruin it. On the other hand, row houses are totally separated from other house. So you will have your personal space.
  • Area: when you go for the row house, you need to select a better area for it. a place from where you can get everything easily and those property are costly. But the other one which is cost-effective is far away from the city. On the other hand, flats are available everywhere and you can choose to buy any place you seem feet.
  • Space: flats have limited space, you can get a big balcony and turn it into greenhouse but apart from there, you cannot do anything else. On the other hand, row house has a garden and a place for their vehicle. They can even build a room upstairs if they want to expand. They have total control of the house.
  • Economical: it’s a fact that flats are more economical than a row house. You don’t have to worry about piles of paper that need to be approved before you lay one brick. In flat, all the papers are come prepared and don’t need to pay for anything else as the building owner has taken care of it.
  • Maintenance: flats get much cheaper maintenance cost than own house. Also, they just need to pay this amount to the building owner and they will take care of the rest. If any day you have face problem like a broken pipe, you can call the building management and they will send a handyman. Maintaining a row house is a bit costlier in that term.

If we conclude this, flats are much better than row house, but on the other hand, row houses are last much longer than flats. Row houses, if maintained properly could last up to 50 year but flats can go for 30-year maximum. Now it’s up to you on which type of property you want to buy.