How to be a team player in the office

Getting along with your colleagues and enjoying the time spent with them is the key to enjoying the work experience and fitting in with the office crowd. No one wants to be an outsider, but if you feel that you are not reaching your potential and you are wondering what the real problem is, you must read this article.

A team player

Being a better team player might be the answer you are searching for as your ability to work properly with all the people in your office will not only improve the relationship with them but will also help you perform and deliver better in your job. So let us look at some of the steps which you might consider taking to be a better team player.

  • Let your colleagues help you

One of the most common but the biggest pitfalls the achieving professionals might fall into is the need for help from others. Helping others is a great thing, but allowing others to help you is equally important. By properly opening up to all your coworkers, you learn to be more Authentic, be more approachable and also benefit from their wisdom and experience.

  • Try focusing on the same interests

The team members who are balancing the long term interest of the key parties and who are setting a strategy to achieve this vision will successfully build credibility, reputation, and overall power in his office.

  • Listen properly

Most of the time in a hurry we basically focus on the actions that are supposed to be taken rather than thinking about how others might be affected by it. One of the most powerful gifts that we can gift to another human is to truly understand and listen to them. If you listen well, your part of becoming a better and easily approached co-worker and a team player reveals by itself.

  • Cultivate the genius in others

Most of us are trainees to focus on our success rather than helping others succeed. This shift of mind to focus outward is the scale that is required to be a good team player. If you spend more time cultivating the genius in other colleagues, people will naturally be attracted towards you because you are a person who inspires and empowers them to realize their own potential.

  • Make yourself a reward

According to Neuroscience, our brain reacts and thinks positively whenever we see a reward in front of us. So make yourself an award to your colleagues by treating each and everyone fairly and respectfully, relating to the thoughts and seeking help for ideas and offering your own values.

  • Use your followership skills properly

The aptitude and the attitude that is needed for a team to work efficiently is often assumed to be with everyone’s wheelhouse. So the teams often do not function well if they have an alpha leader. Instead of your leadership try and use your followership.

  • Focus on collaboration and not just cooperation

Get in the habit of helping your colleagues whenever necessary. This will not only build goodwill but will also improve understanding and collaboration.

Why reading a book is always better than a Kindle?

In the last few weeks, the book industry has released some extraordinary figures showing that this sale of eBooks online was quite down this year as compared to the sale of printed books. This has happened for the very first time in about two years. So in this article, we have published some of the reasons why printed books are much preferred than regular eBooks.

  1. All the printed books have pages that are quite nice and are tender to the touch. The papers on which the books are printed makes reading physically pleasurable. However, reading an eBook on the other hand usually feels like using an ATM. So after staring at the computer screen for more than 9 to 10 hours at work every day, how relaxing is it to curl up in your bed and stare at another screen?
  2. The printed books are way better at conveying different types of information. A study in a recent journal reported that the readers who read stories or other blogs using kindle were less likely to remember and recall all the events in a mystery novel or a blog than the people who were reading it from the same novel in print. So if you want to follow up or remember the things and acquire other information, print is the best way to do it.
  3. The printed books are yours for your entire life. The books which you bought while you were in college or you were in school will still be readable even after 50years. However on the other hand after 10 years do you really think your e-book reader or your kindle might work well with the modern eBooks of the time?
  4. The printed books carry and keep a lot of physical reminders and memories of your intellectual journeys. The Enid Blyton storybooks or our Chacha Chaudharystorybooks take you back to the early years of your childhood. However, aKindle is incapable of sharing such emotions and other memories.
  5. The printed books are great to share. You would love to hand over a book to a close friend and say you that ‘You’ve got to read this’.  Definitely, there are ways of sharing an e-book if both your friend and you can navigate through the digital rights management system efficiently. But sharing an ebook is just similar to sharing an email or paying someone through PayPal or something else.
  6. One can write different things in the margins of a printed book, dog-ear, or bookmark all the important pages and also underline the important sentences with the pencil. The eBooks often allow the user to do the same in the form of digital acts, but there is a huge difference between physical gestures and digital release.
  7. The printed books have jackets so that the people nearby know what exactly you are reading thus making reading a community-building activity.
  8. The printed books are much fairer to the writers and are also better for your health. These books are also theft-resistant as if you leave the book in the car or on the library table, you can be sure to find it there when you return back.

9 Ways To Boost Your Immunity System.

Your immune system does an amazing and remarkable job of protecting you from various disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes this immune system fails due to your lack of attention to it. There are various ways in which you can boost your immunity system to stay healthy and fit.

  1. Enough Sleep and Management Of Stress: A person should be getting enough sleep and should be able to manage his or her stress properly. The deprivation of sleep and the increase in the stress level produces the hormone known as cortisol. The prolonged elevation of this hormone suppresses the ability of the immunity system to function.
  2. Avoid Smoking Tobacco: The smoking of tobacco reduces the ability of the immune system to work. Smoking tobacco reduces the defence mechanism and raises the risk of bronchitis and pneumonia in adults and middle ear infections in kids.
  3. Eating Healthy: If you want your immune system to work efficiently you need to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. These foods provide your body with the nutrients that your immune system needs to work well. Boosting fruits and vegetables in your diet improves antibody response to the Pneumovax vaccine which protects against pneumonia.
  4. Consider Probiotics: Different studies have shown that the intake of various supplements reduces the risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. The usage of fermented milk products has been used to reduce the risk of respiratory infections in adults and kids.
  5. Catch Some Rays: Sunlight triggers the production of vitamin Din our skin. 10-15 minutes of exposure to the sun rays is enough during the summer season. Low levels of vitamin D increase the risk of respiratory infections. Vitamin D supplements are now available both for kids and adults to increase the level of Vitamin D in your immunity system which in turn helps in the reduction of various infections and diseases.
  6. Exercise Regularly: People who do not exercise regularly often fall sick various times. People who exercise regularly have a strong immune system that is capable of withstanding various microbes from invading our immune system. People who exercise regularly feel better and stronger than the people who do not. So exercises are a great way to strengthen your immune system.
  7. Vaccination: The annual flu shot is although 80 per cent effective but it is still better than most of the other methods of defence. These flu shots provide your body with various defense nutrients that protect your body from getting invaded by disease-causing microorganisms.
  8. Eat Medicinal Mushrooms: Eating medicinal mushrooms such as shiitake and maitake often helps in strengthening your immune system. A concentrated extract of shiitake enhances the immune function of women with breast cancer.
  9. Garlic: Garlic is one of the most important broad-spectrum antibacterial agent and immune system booster. The heat from the garlic usually works as a booster.

Ten martial arts you can think of learning

Getting yourself involved in martial arts is one of the best things you can do for your fitness. Whether you want to study martial art to become a professional or just as a part of your fitness regime or as self-defense, it should not matter. If you want to enjoy yourself while you learn and are determined to stick to it, picking the right form of martial art is essential. Learning martial arts involve a whole lot of time as well as money. So you want to pick the right one for yourself. Here are 10 of the most famous forms of martial arts for you to choose from:

  1. JUDO: Judo, a competition based sport from Japan involves throwing or taking down your opponent for the win. Judo calls for minimum effort but maximum efficiency. If you can master the proper technique and get a good grip on your balance you can take down a person larger than you.
  2. BOXING: Though it might take several years to just learn how to throw punches properly, boxing can be a lot of fun. This is the kind of sport that teaches you discipline, governing backed by fighting. This keeps you quick on your toes and your body lean.
  3. KARATE: Karate is another sport from Japan that involves a lot of punching, kicking, and freestyle hand techniques. It helps you to gain balance. You learn how to divert the attack coming your way as well as disable and control your opponent’s ambush.
  4. AIKIDO: Aikido is primarily designed for self-defense, making sure you don’t injure your attackers.  Instead of fighting back, you use the momentum of your attacker against them only.
  5. BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: This sport coming out of Brazil has been named one of the most callous sports ever. This form of martial art focuses mainly on manipulating your attacker’s body and getting them off of you. It is best for street defense.
  6. TAEKWONDO: Taekwondo is a form of Korean martial art that blends attack and self-defense. Using your legs is very important in this sport, not only you use it as a weapon you also use it to keep your attackers away.
  7. WRESTLING: Generally falls under performance art, wrestling is an extremely demanding total body workout. It involves constant pushing and pulling while maintaining proper balance. A simple match of 6minutes duration can help you burn hundreds of calories.
  8. KRAV MAGA: It is the national martial art of Israel. This martial art combines some aspects of Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, and traditional boxing. It is a sort of counter-attack, where you aim for the weak areas of your opponent.
  9. MUAY THAI: Muay Thai also known as the Art of EightLimbs originated from the heart of Thailand. It can get very violent or harsh, thus with certain precautions, Muay Thai has been made a universal sport for entertainment now.
  10. MMA: MMA short for Mixed Martial Arts is a combination of all kinds of martial arts listed above. This involves a wide range of techniques and styles. MMA involves many risk factors but if you aim to become the next Conor McGregor, can go for it.

Places you must travel before you turn 40

Let us face the fact that there are millions of places to travel and enjoy if you are a travel freak. On the internet you will find thousands of articles like cities you must travel in your twenties, places to visit before you turn 30 and many more. So if you are about to turn 40 or 50 and you haven’t been to any of the places, that does not mean that somehow your life has been shortened and you missed most of it. Actually travelling is for all ages with the only difference being that is different generation will have a different perspective on the definition of a great travel adventure. After all, life does not really get started until you turn for 40, so here are some of the places that you must travel before you turn 40.

  1. The wine regions in France
    The land of wine and cheese bacon in France has some of the spectacular wine regions. The burgundy region is mostly for the red lovers, for a romantic setting in the vineyards of the Alsace region or for a beautiful setting, drive your bicycle and explore all the provinces and the Rhone Valley wine region.
  2. Tuscany in Italy
    Tuscany is a little mediaeval village situated on Hilltops with picture-perfect scenery and good rustic delicious Italian food. Spending a week or two in your own Villa in the village will help you effortlessly blend into the local life. You would definitely love the outside dining set with your new neighbours in the balmy sunny evening while looking at the valleys below.
  3. The Greek islands
    With the impossibly beautiful whitewashed villages, the magical sunsets and the stunning caldera, you might feel that you have arrived in paradise in the Greek islands of England. You would love the Santorini island which is mainly known for the breathtaking scenery, sunsets and the romantic aura.
  4. Petra in Jordan
    This legendary lost city is the main site for the people who come in search of the treasury, temples and the historic monuments. Petra is an ancient city that can only be accessed through a narrow gorge and had been forgotten for centuries by the Western world until it was rediscovered in the year 1812. If you are a person who loves to visit the ancient ruins, a pilgrimage to Petra in the valley of Moses is an absolute must.
  5. Cappadocia in Turkey
    Cappadocia is well known for its stunning landscape which is made up of the volcanic rock formations also known as the fairy chimneys. At various point throughout the time, the rocks were inhabited with castles, houses and the larger ones even had cities. The best way to explore the region is to take a hot air balloon ride at sunrise, sipping some of the champagne and enjoying the marvellous sight below.
  6. Angkor Wat Cambodia
    You must not visit the incredible sunrise over the Angkor Wat temple while you are visiting Cambodia. The Temple is a religious structure and was built using hands. People from all over the globe have been flocking to witness this beautiful sight.

Plans for a home loan? Here is the checklist

Home loans are recently in demand. While the rates of real estates are touching the sky a lot are moving towards home loans. Taking home loans requires a destined procedure to follow. But, even if the market is loaded with home loan deals here is what you need to consider before applying.

  1. Know your ability to avail loan 
    Each individual has a restriction on the loan amount that depends upon various factors. The loan amount that is sanctioned depends upon the individual’s salary as well as its ability to repay. So before jumping into availing the loan, it is best to self-asses your own salary and willing check your capacity to repay.
  2. Read documents carefully
    It is best to spare some time and carefully go through the documents. There are many hidden costs involved that are usually mentioned in the documents. Hence, be completely meticulous about the documents.
  3. Loan tenure
    The tenure of your loan also plays a significant role. Your amount of EMI is inversely proportionate with the tenure. This implies that longer the tenure smaller would be the amount of EMI and vice versa. Depending upon your income and other factors you can choose the tenure. You should Calculate the available surplus under various situations and evaluate the available monthly surplus for each situation.
  4. Choose your lender
    There are ample of banks available in the market to provide you loans. However, it is of your best interest to research well. Do not opt XYZ bank merely because your cousin told you so. Use the internet and do extensive research on it. After all, it is all about your home and finance.
  5. Check the CIBIL scores
    CIBIL scores are counted based on your pending bills, any check bounces, existing loans, uninsured existing loans, loan repayments, maintained your bank accounts, how many times you have applied for a loan or a credit card, and credit taken. If your CIBIL scores are average or above average, chances of availing the loan surely increases. However, if your scorecard is below average you need to first work upon the CIBIL scores and enhance it.
  6. Extra charges – Get yourself well versed with the extra charges you would be asked to pay. Usually, these charges are involved in your home loan amount. These charges could be the processing fee, service, and administrative fees, etc. Asking and clearing doubt about these charges are necessary.
  7. Rate of Interest  
    The rate of interest plays a crucial role while opting for the home loan. Whether you opt for a fixed interest rate or variable one – it would hugely impact your EMIs. Fixed interest rates stay fixed irrespective of the volatility of the market, on the other hand, variable interest rates keep fluctuating depending upon the market.
    When it comes to buying a home loan please ensure that you also check the credibility of the builders. NL Builders for that matter are best in the arena. Their credibility has no level to match up. Availing a home loan becomes easier when you have builders like NL Builders for your home.  Home loans definitely make houses affordable to us. However, considering these things before choosing a home loan is a sign of wisdom.

7 Things you must consider before taking a house on rent

Taking a flat on rent has always seen cheaper than buying a brand new one. A huge number of people prefer taking their first house on rent instead of buying. The stringent budget is also one of the reasons why people prefer taking houses on rent.

But, you need to keep your sanity in senses while opting for rented houses. Here are the things you need to keep under consideration whenever you decide to take the house on rent.

  1. Budget for the house
    Always remember the rule that your total payable rent should not exceed the 30% of your income. Check out your budget and then list down the prospective houses. Just because a house looks attractive doesn’t mean you would end up paying 50% of your income in the rent. Considering the budget is primarily important.
  2. Total cost – Check if water bill, electricity bill, maintenance and so on is included in the rent of not. A lot of landlords insist upon dividing the electricity bill and do not include that in the rent. This implies that you end up paying rent and electricity bill in addition. On the other hand, some prefer keeping it inclusive of rent. It is better to gauge the total charges you would be asked to pay.
  3. The locality – Getting to know the locality is another vital facet of the process. Checking the locality on your own and seeing how far or near is it from the railway station, shopping mall, hospital and so on should be considered. No matter how much appealing the home seems to be in case the locality is worse you won’t be wanting to stay.
  4. Power outlets and furniture –
    It is best to recheck the power outlets along with the doors, window and cabinets. This would give you an idea about the condition of the room and how much repairing work is foreseen. Moreover, you can also negotiate the rent if the power outlets, furniture and cabinets are not maintained properly.
  5. Consider pet policy –
    Considering the pet policy is good. Whether you own a pet or don’t it doesn’t matter. It Is always advisable to know a little more than usual. After all if someday you decide to adopt a pet, disappointment in the form of strict rules should not come into your way.
  6. Talk to neighbours – as much as your landlord, the neighbours play a crucial role as well. Talk to them and get accustomed to the rules and regulations. Also, try jogging what kind of neighbour are they. You wouldn’t like if you come across some neighbours who listen to music at night keeping the volume immensely high.
    Taking a home on rent definitely, saves your cost. This is one of the reasons why people prefer rented homes over new ones at least initially. Whenever you go for rent consider the given points and take the accordingly. Do let us know if we have missed any vital point.

Fulfilling Career Prospects In UAE( United Arab Emirates )

Fulfilling Career Prospects In UAE( United Arab Emirates )

The United Arab Emirates is typically a country in Western Asia with Abu Dhabi as its capital and Dubai as the largest city. The economy of UAE is the second largest in the middle-east and is known to have the most diversified economy. Hence it is not very surprising to have an excellent career opportunity in the UAE.

Here we bring to you a few promising careers in the country:-

  1. A career as an engineer in the UAE- The country of Arab is known to be the third-largest producer of oil in the middle-east and hence the skylines of the cities there serve the most important purpose, that is, helps in the import and export of oil and minerals. These skylines always need to be checked for safety and evolving with better technology and finance. Hence the requirement of engineers is very high in the country. Jobs are available for all levels of engineers in any course of engineering, be it civil or mechanical or chemical or electrical or environmental. These engineers get paid a very decent amount for their work which keeps increasing as they get promoted in their respective fields along with several benefits.
  2. Travel and Tourism Industry In UAE – With the development of the travel and tourism industry in the country, the demand for professionals in fields like hotel management, spa, personal trainers, resort managers, chefs, and bartenders have shot very high employing numerous youths and unemployed. Also with evolving airlines of the country, it has become easier for tourists to visit the grandeur of UAE with the best of luxuries thus shooting up prosperous careers in this field.
  3. Marketing Jobs – One of the advantages of having a diversified and booming economy is that the residents of the country have a lot of income to be disposed of according to their necessities and luxuries and hence multinational advertising and marketing companies choose this region to set up their business or organizations. People from foreign countries can get jobs in these multinational institutions as a marketing assistant, marketing analyst, marketing consultant, etc. Also, the tag of the UAE in your profile would put up your impression when you go for an interview in some other place.
  4. Medical career in UAE- With the development of new medical centers and hospitals in the region, a large number of medical professionals with expertise in varying fields are needed to fulfilling the vacancies. So with a medical degree, one can get a high paid job in the UAE which is tax-free and also enjoys the benefits of the posts on which one is working. If you are someone experienced in the field then chances are even higher of getting above decent salaries. Some hospitals also team up with research centers or universities making this career very rewarding.
  5. A career as a teacher- The emerging economy demands for the future generation of the country to be as qualified as possible so that they can run their country. Hence teachers are required in large numbers to educate the people out there. Also with rapid growth in medical, marketing, and engineering fields, more teachers for teaching subjects like English, Mathematics, Business Management, and Science. Hence a career as a teacher is also advantageous in the long run.
  6. Member of Cabin Crew – As the development of airlines is at a peak so it’s very obvious to require more members for working in the airport and cabin crew. Hence applying for jobs of air hostess or pilot is undoubtedly one of the most paid jobs in the country.
  7. Finance Job- In a place where it is huge is a huge transaction of money throughout the day, be it any department, the job as a financer is very challenging and extremely important because it is so not possible for few people to handle the accounting of such huge amount of money transactions. If you are eligible enough for this post then UAE can offer you amazing employment packages be it private banks or public.
  8. Journalism – Media is always a point of attraction, be it any city or any country. The industry needs people who are experienced in various types of media handling like writers, editors, videographers, PR managers, journalists. Also, journalism can lead you to visit different places. So if you like adventures and excitements then opting for journalism jobs in UAE is also a good start to prospectus career.

Things To Be Doubly Sure About When You Rent Your Place To Someone

A lot of us buy property and rent it out. At times it turns out to be highly beneficial, but it takes not so long to turn it into a nightmare if not done carefully. Renting, also known as hiring, is a concurrence where a payment is made for interim use of a good, services or property that is owned by another. Some reasons why renters can have better financial deals than homeowners are:

No maintenance or repair bills.
There is a definite advantage that renters don’t pay maintenance bills.

Access to convenience.
This is one more financial benefit to renting, over buying a house of your own is having access to amenities.

No need for big down payment.
Another field where renters have the better economic deal is signing. When purchasing a house with a mortgage, you always require a sizeable payment.

Diminishing property value.
The value of the property is changeable, and this affects homeowners in a big way, as this decides the amount of taxes you need to pay.

Rent amounts are fixed.
For the span of the lease agreement, rent amounts are fixed.

It is not easy for you to handle the keys to your house over to a complete stranger for care, there are decisions you need to make. Despite, the decisions that you take now, before even searching for a tenant, will make the biggest effect on the success of your rental. There are some questions to answer before you rent out your house:

Why rent your house?
Despite, it is very important to decide whether or not renting your house is a good idea. If you are confused about renting vs. selling your house, then renting is the best decision you could ever take, as it has more financial benefits.

How to rent your house to the best tenants?
This is the most important decision that determines the success or failure of your rental is the person you allow in.

A shady tenant can potentially cause years of stress, headache, and economical loss-while an eminent tenant can provide years of security, peace, and repose. Therefore, don’t underestimate the importance of renting to only best tenants

Pre-screening the tenants.
As soon as you receive a phone call from a respective tenant, always pre-disguising them before time. This means to try out and qualify the tenant over the phone before spending time without going out and showing a house to them.

After having a look at our complete guide to renting, you will understand the process of seeking an attention-grabbing listing, managing tenants’ interest and impressing potential tenants as you show your unit.

It is as important to generate interest; it is also responsible to pay a closer look as you get to know your respective tenants. Will they be responsible tenants who will pay rent and won’t destroy your property?

So hopefully this guide will help and also make your job as a landlord as easy as possible.

9 things to do on the weekend if you are left alone

Weekends do not necessarily have to be the time for a huge party or outing, sometimes you can just have a little downtime. It is great to let your hair down and spend some quality time with friends, however, some alone time to be just by yourself is really important in real life.

Here are 9 things that you can do on your weekend if you are left alone.

1.    You finally get the chance to read the book your friend suggested.

In this modern life, we all are very busy and it is very easy to make a list of things that we want to do if we had enough time for it. You may want to read that book but after a busy and tiring day, things like reading books get pushed to the back of your priorities. Take the alone time that you have got and spend it doing something for yourself.

2.    Eat without judgement

Having as much as food as your heart desires with absolutely no judgement what can be better than this? Eat as much as you like and use the excuse that since you were home alone you did not want the food to go to waste.

3.    Have an endless movie or TV marathon

With no one disturbing, stopping or making you miss the important part of your favourite show and no judgement that you are completely wasting your day in front of the TV, you will have endless hours of laziness and you can enjoy feeling completely content.

4.    Taking over the kitchen and cooking

Alone time is a perfect time for experimenting in the kitchen obviously with precautions. Try all those recipes that you have seen in the magazines and on YouTube.

5.    Take a long bubble bath or shower

Peace and calmness in the entire house is the perfect environment for you to relax. Light up some candles, for yourself a glass of wine and let yourself in a long bubble bath.

6.    Sorting your things

Having some alone time is the perfect opportunity to get yourself together and make sure that everything is in order. Clean up your cupboard, room and throw out what you no longer need. Having a clean room will make you feel fresh and will also help you have a mind as tidy as your house.

7.    Get some fresh air

Being cooped up all day at work can easily become quite boring and you may find yourself a bit fidgety. Simple things like a brisk walk will help you get fresh air that you need for your brain to calm down and it will also make your weekend more satisfying.

8.    Online shopping

After a long and busy weekend, you need to reward yourself. Rather than going outside in the crowd, snuggle up in your blanket and order yourself some lovely treats from the online websites in the comfort of your home.

9.    Exercise

While all the above points may seem enjoyable, it is very easy to become restless when you have a day on your own. If you do not like to workout in the gym you can always get a yoga, Zumba or workout DVD that will help you feel good about yourself.