3 Tiny Changes That Will Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly Today

Eco-Friendly: More and more people are beginning to go green to help save the planet, which is great! Thanks to wildlife documentaries such as Blue Planet II and increased awareness about how we are impacting the environment, more people are prioritizing doing what they can to help the environment. From plastic bags to chemical products, people are coming up with new ways to make little changes that will help to make our planet healthier. 

If everyone made just a few small changes, we’d be one step closer to a healthier planet. One place you can make these changes are in your home. There are some easy ways to be eco-friendly in your home without spending thousands of pounds or dramatically changing the way you live. Keep reading for some tips on how to make your home more eco-friendly.

3 Changes That Will Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly Today


Reducing your energy consumption is a great way to make your home more eco-friendly. There are some easy switches you can make in your home to ensure that you are using less energy. Switch your light bulbs to energy efficient ones, make sure no radiators are blocked by furniture, unplug appliances that aren’t being used, and stop heating unused space. 

For saving energy in the colder months, you should look at your insulation and ways you can reduce the amount of heating you need to use in your home. Double glazed windows with fitted blinds are a fantastic way to help with your insulation. They stop any warm air from escaping while preventing cold air coming in. Here at LondonBlinds4U, we have a range of blinds for you to choose from, no matter what your style. Browse our collection today!


Recycling is so important for helping our planet. Waste has a huge negative impact on the environment, releasing harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases when rubbish is in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution that is caused by waste, while also reducing the need for raw materials. Recycling is really easy to do; all you need is dedicated bins in your home for each category and you’re ready to go.

As well as recycling, you should also get into the habit of upcycling. This is when you take an old product, or the materials of an old product, and turn it into something new! For example, if you want to change the colour scheme of your home, instead of throwing out old furniture and replacing it why not considering revamping it? Using eco-friendly furniture paint you can give an old product a whole new life!


Plastic is one of the leading causes of environmental damage, taking thousands of years to biodegrade. Plastic takes up valuable space in landfill sites and is polluting the natural environment. Although most plastic is recyclable, single-use plastics (such as water bottles and plastic cups) often end up in landfills. 

There are simple changes you can make to reduce your plastic use at home. Start by making smart choices when shopping – if there is an option to buy the product you want in a non-plastic container, choose that brand instead. You’ll be surprised at how much less plastic you use just from making this small change. You can also get metal straws, metal bottles and biodegradable bin bags to reduce your plastic use.

Ready to help our planet? Making your home more eco-friendly is a great place to start. These are just a few of the simple switches you can make to decrease your carbon footprint and help the planet.

7 Qualities that make you Smart and Intelligent

Qualities: Smartness isn’t a mandate, but it is a need of today’s world. It does not come just like that. And not everyone is smart. It is one of the traits of intelligence and depicts your personality.

Smartness and intelligence help you to tackle any given situation and make you show others that you are unique, and you can adapt to all that comes your way.

Here are 7 Qualities that make you Smart and Intelligent

1. Open-mindedness: A smart person is always open-minded and thinks in a very Broadway. Their mentality is not just confined to certain thinking, but they choose to think out of the box and try to do unique things with sheer intelligence.

2. They are adaptable: these people are the ones who do not mind changing themselves according to one’s need. They can change their behavior as required and happily adapt to the surroundings rather than being rigid about a particular thing.

3. They like to learn: if they do not know a particular thing or they ain’t familiar with a particular concept they do not feel ashamed to admit the point that they do not know. They always try to learn all that they do not know rather than being fake to themselves and the entire world at large.

4. They are curious: they are absolutely and passionately curious about anything and everything. They wish to know things as soon as possible and they try to dig out things as much as possible. Their curiosity leads them to a place where they do wonders in the long run.

5. They think out of the box: what makes them different from a normal simple person is that they don’t think the way hundreds of people think. They try to do things in a very different and unique way. They go beyond the limits of their brainpower and find unique ways to do a certain task.

6. They are funny: They are smart so yes; they are funny as well. They tell you things in such a way that their sense of humor tops their list. Their sarcastic ways of telling things funnily without hurting the person are something that talks about their intelligence. They possess a great sense of humor which is understood only by certain people.

7. They read a lot: as they are curious and smart, they tend to read more and more and gain as much knowledge as possible. They are the ones who know about the variety of things, books, authors, etc. They read because they want to become more intelligent and smarter. They are not comparable to anything in this world.

So yes, if you possess all these qualities ,you can be smart and intelligent.

New Year Goals: Things you can do to make 2021 a Better Year

New Year Goals: Yes, there are ways in which you can make your 2021 better and worthy to live. Practice all these and 2021 will do wonders in your life.

1.Begin your day with a smile: As you wake up in the morning each day be thankful to God for giving you another chance in the form of a new fresh day to do all that you desire. Start your day with a smile so that you keep smiling the entire day and you make the best out of the day.

2. Exercise daily: Yes, this is very important because if you are healthy you are happy. An exercise each day keeps you away from harm’s way. Give yourself and your body one hour day and work on yourself so that you are ready to battle with unhealthy things that may at times surround you.

3. Practice meditation: When you meditate you attain peace. You get connected to the Divine energies and most importantly you get connected to the universe at large. Meditation helps you attain mental peace in times of distress and bad health. You can attain the utmost happiness in your life on any day if you are peaceful and away from any tensions. So do it daily.

4. Spend time with your family: This is one of the best ways to make your coming days better because there is no one above our family and our parents. It is extremely important to know whom you have to choose. Our parents and siblings are the only one’s who are constant and who will always support us in all our endeavours.

5. Appreciate more: No matter how the person is or no matter he/she has helped you never stop appreciating. Appreciation is the best gift you can give someone to make them feel worthy and valued. Appreciation not only brings a smile on someone’s face but also gives them confidence.

6. Take enough sleep: You need to make sure you are fresh each day so that you don’t end up lazily. For this, you must take the amount of sleep that your body does require. Laziness leads to nothing. Make sure you get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep each day. And this will make your day better.

7. Focus on your tasks: Everyone does have a to-do list, it is on us how we take it and try to complete it. But, it is also important to prioritize our wants in the order of their actual needs. Mixing everything will fetch us nothing. Hence, just focus on one task at a time and finish it first and go to the next.

Reasons Having a Good Credit Score Is Important

Credit Score: A credit score tells much more than the loans you need to get or the interest rates you pay. Credit scores are the financial tools. The credit score is the most significant measure of your financial health. If your credit score Is good, it will be very easy for you to get approved for loans or credit lines. Credit scores open the way of the lowest available interest.   

There are multiple reasons for having a good credit score. Credit scores offer you to buy things with borrowed money that is paid back over time. It helps you manage big expenses easily, you can also manage daily expenses with the use of a credit card.

If you are looking to qualify for big loans, the lender looks into various factors, including checking your gross income and debt-to-income ratio. Your employment history is also verified.

Lenders also depend upon the automated evaluation process that includes checking your credit card score and credit history to determine how likely you are to pay your debts on time.

Credit Score

A credit score is a three-digit number that is premeditated by applying a mathematical algorithm, and three credit reports are created, which are updated based on credit accounts.

Higher the credit score, higher will be your chances to qualify for loans with more favorable terms like low-interest rates and potentially low fees. A credit score determines your eligibility for a mortgage.

Building and maintaining strong credit goes into your favor while applying for a mortgage. When the lender looks at the history, he gets to know that you have paid all the loans as agreed and have used credit wisely, and he gets confident when qualifying you for a mortgage.

Credit score has become a very significant part of our financial lives, and keep track of your financial situation. Many companies provide credit card solutions to their clients who are facing low credit score issues or have a poor credit history.

A low credit scores

A low credit score can have repercussions. If you are used to paying bills after the due date or submit fees late, it will affect the score of the credit score. A low credit score makes it very difficult for you to get loans in the future. It makes it hard even to land a certain job.

  • Poor credit score makes it difficult to get loans or to qualify for credit accounts.
  • If you get the loan, the interest rate will be very high
  • You will find it difficult to get a job as an employee to run a credit check before offering you a job, especially if the person is applying for a management position, as it involves handling money.

On the other hand, balancing a good credit score helps you save money and helps you in financial aspects. Establishing a credit score is very important and has many advantages.

Significant Saving on Interest Rates

Interest rate is the amount charged by the lender for borrowing the money. If you are borrowing some amount from the company, you will have to pay interest on the borrowed amount. 

A good credit score helps you to be eligible for the best interest rate. With a low credit score, there is a greater chance that you will not qualify for the loan. Even if you avail the loan, you will be charged with a high-interest rate.

With a good credit score, you will not have to pay high charges on credit card loans. The less money you pay in interest, the quicker you pay the debt, and then you can get more money for expenses.

Better Loan Approval

As already mentioned, a decent credit score is very important for getting approval for the mortgage. Poor credit history makes it difficult for you to get loan approval.

Although a good credit score does not guarantee you loan approval, it increases your chance of being approved for credit. So, you can apply for a mortgage with assurance.

More Power to Negotiate Terms

A decent credit score provides you the power to negotiate on a low-interest rate while taking the loan. If you want to bargain on a loan depending upon the credit score, you can get a better offer grounded on your score.

While with a low credit score, you will have extreme difficulty in finding loan options, and if by luck you get the loan, you will have to agree on all the terms and conditions. 

Better Rates on Insurance and More Housing Options

Insurance companies use information about your credit score and credit report to develop your risk score. The people with low credit scores are disapproved, while people with good credit scores are required to pay less for the insurance.

Considering these and many other aspects, many clients look for credit score solutions so that they can have a better credit score and avail all the benefits of loan and mortgage.

A few landlords or rental management firms lookout for potential buyers’ credit scores to see if they are financially trustworthy. A higher credit score creates a sense of trust, and you are more likely to get approved of the house with a better credit score.

Things You Can Do

If you want to approve your credit score, there are many things that you can do on your behalf before consulting any firm or organization

  • Make sure to pay at least the minimum balance
  • Keep your credit use low by paying down the credit card balance
  • Do not apply for too many new credit cards and try not to close old one’s

Review Credit Card Report

If you want to improve your credit score, reviewing a credit card report helps to know what will be working in your favor. You can get a copy of the report and review it to understand what is affecting your score. Check your credit score for the errors and other issues that can drag down the score.

Handle Bill Payments

Payment history affects your credit score greatly; therefore, it is crucial to pay the debts, including old loans. If you are paying bills on time, it will work in your favor. You can simply improve your score by avoiding late payments. Keep track of your monthly bills, setting alerts of the due date so that you do not forget to pay the bills. Automating a bill payment system from a bank account also saves you from many troubles.

There are multiple reasons for having a good credit score. Credit scores offer you to buy things with borrowed money that is paid back over time. It helps you manage big expenses easily, you can also manage daily expenses with the use of a credit card.

If you are looking to qualify for big loans, the lender looks into various factors, including checking your gross income and debt-to-income ratio. Your employment history is also verified.

Lenders also depend upon the automated evaluation process that includes checking your credit card score and credit history to determine how likely you are to pay your debts on time.

Credit Score

A credit score is a three-digit number that is premeditated by applying a mathematical algorithm, and three credit reports are created, which are updated based on credit accounts.

Higher the credit score, higher will be your chances to qualify for loans with more favorable terms like low-interest rates and potentially low fees. A credit score determines your eligibility for a mortgage.

Building and maintaining strong credit goes into your favor while applying for a mortgage. When the lender looks at the history, he gets to know that you have paid all the loans as agreed and have used credit wisely, and he gets confident when qualifying you for a mortgage.

Credit score has become a very significant part of our financial lives, and keep track of your financial situation. Many companies provide credit card solutions to their clients who are facing low credit score issues or have a poor credit history.

A low credit scores

A low credit score can have repercussions. If you are used to paying bills after the due date or submit fees late, it will affect the score of the credit score. A low credit score makes it very difficult for you to get loans in the future. It makes it hard even to land a certain job.

  • Poor credit score makes it difficult to get loans or to qualify for credit accounts.
  • If you get the loan, the interest rate will be very high
  • You will find it difficult to get a job as an employee to run a credit check before offering you a job, especially if the person is applying for a management position, as it involves handling money.

On the other hand, balancing a good credit score helps you save money and helps you in financial aspects. Establishing a credit score is very important and has many advantages.

Significant Saving on Interest Rates

Interest rate is the amount charged by the lender for borrowing the money. If you are borrowing some amount from the company, you will have to pay interest on the borrowed amount. 

A good credit score helps you to be eligible for the best interest rate. With a low credit score, there is a greater chance that you will not qualify for the loan. Even if you avail the loan, you will be charged with a high-interest rate.

With a good credit score, you will not have to pay high charges on credit card loans. The less money you pay in interest, the quicker you pay the debt, and then you can get more money for expenses.

Better Loan Approval

As already mentioned, a decent credit score is very important for getting approval for the mortgage. Poor credit history makes it difficult for you to get loan approval.

Although a good credit score does not guarantee you loan approval, it increases your chance of being approved for credit. So, you can apply for a mortgage with assurance.

More Power to Negotiate Terms

A decent credit score provides you the power to negotiate on a low-interest rate while taking the loan. If you want to bargain on a loan depending upon the credit score, you can get a better offer grounded on your score.

While with a low credit score, you will have extreme difficulty in finding loan options, and if by luck you get the loan, you will have to agree on all the terms and conditions. 

Better Rates on Insurance and More Housing Options

Insurance companies use information about your credit score and credit report to develop your risk score. The people with low credit scores are disapproved, while people with good credit scores are required to pay less for the insurance.

Considering these and many other aspects, many clients look for credit score solutions so that they can have a better credit score and avail all the benefits of loan and mortgage.

A few landlords or rental management firms lookout for potential buyers’ credit scores to see if they are financially trustworthy. A higher credit score creates a sense of trust, and you are more likely to get approved of the house with a better credit score.

Things You Can Do

If you want to approve your credit score, there are many things that you can do on your behalf before consulting any firm or organization

  • Make sure to pay at least the minimum balance
  • Keep your credit use low by paying down the credit card balance
  • Do not apply for too many new credit cards and try not to close old one’s

Review Credit Card Report

If you want to improve your credit score, reviewing a credit card report helps to know what will be working in your favor. You can get a copy of the report and review it to understand what is affecting your score. Check your credit score for the errors and other issues that can drag down the score.

Handle Bill Payments

Payment history affects your credit score greatly; therefore, it is crucial to pay the debts, including old loans. If you are paying bills on time, it will work in your favor. You can simply improve your score by avoiding late payments. Keep track of your monthly bills, setting alerts of the due date so that you do not forget to pay the bills. Automating a bill payment system from a bank account also saves you from many troubles.

Tips for Choosing the Right Paint and Color For Your Home

Right Paint: Has the time come to give your home a face lift? Maybe you’ve decided you want to make the most out of each room. It’s traditional to keep one standard color for the ceilings, a different color for the walls and give each room its own color theme as well as create an accent wall here and there. Picking the perfect paint color for every room may seem overwhelming. Where do you get started?

Detailing the Home

First on the project list is detailing the home. How many bedrooms do you have? How many bathrooms? What size is the living room, is there a separate dining room? Does the kitchen need a coat of paint? How many colors will you need? Getting these answers will help you determine the amount of paint colors you will need.

Main Color

The main color of the house is the one you have to love the most as it will be apparent in your everyday operations. This color should be easy on the eyes, warm and welcoming. A choice of white, beige, and off white are your top-ranked colors for the main areas of the house. Lighter shades of grey are also commonly being used nowadays as well for a modern yet neutral look and feel. 


When choosing colors for your bedrooms, you will want to take note of the following things:

  • Who is staying in the room? 
  • Does your child have a say in the color that is painted on the walls? 
  • What effect do you want the end result to have? 
  • Is there a lot of natural lighting in the rooms

You may also look at painting your trim color. White or off-white are the most common for living spaces.

Getting Started

A good idea is to paint a swatch in one room and see if you are happy with it. See if the colors work for you, once you are happy with the room, you can get a painting company to carry on with the remainder of the house based on your desired colors.

Walking into each room is like walking into a new experience, the colors you will choose can make a world of difference.

Sometimes painting is not a good DIY project, call the experts, a company who has been dealing with paint and décor, someone who is cost effective and can get the job down without delays. Using a fully listened company like Express Paint will help give your home a face lift with a quick turnaround.

How Many Windows should a House have?

Windows: Every home needs windows because they bring fresh air and take out the inside air. They play an important role when it comes to light and ventilation.  Although there can be many windows in one home depending on the size of the home. There could be 10 to 12 windows in one small home. But how windows should be placed, and whether they cover the ventilation effectively are some of the common questions that can pop in your head, especially in summer. 

Here, we will be looking at window count, how they should be placed, and window prices by size. So have a look below: 

Windows in bedrooms

Usually, the bedrooms are likely to have just one window. It could be small or large depending on the size of the bedroom. In a bedroom setting, you can keep the bed anywhere it doesn’t affect the light in the room. 

Living area

Many small houses have open plan areas or functional living areas that serve the need for open space in a jam-packed house. There you can have two or more windows here.


Although there is less space in small houses, so they usually go with the ventilator kind of square window. 


A kitchen is an important place in the house and there should be a window in your kitchen. It should be large enough to bring daylight. If your home has open floor plans, then make sure that the lounge or living room window is big enough to bring in light.

So, how many windows are there in a house?

We could say that an average home can have 8 windows. But is it possible to have a house without windows? Well, the answer is simply no. It wouldn’t be a home if there are no windows. It will become a prison. Plus, it won’t be an adequately constructed home because there is no ventilation system. It is not even legal to build a home without a window. It is a hundred percent psycho level.  

So why do houses need windows?

Windows have a lot of functions and besides the ventilation and fresh air, windows can keep out sound when they are closed. But they can work both ways as if you leave them open, you can hear voices from the outside. Let’s say children are playing in the lawn and if you leave the window open, you can hear them playing. The windows allow fresh air into different areas of a house to improve ventilation. Also, windows in Calgary can be practical and decorative at the same time.

How to place windows in a house?

Usually, the architects plan the placement of the window. They should be placed four or more feet above the ground. But these days, big houses have all sorts of weird windows. If possible, the position of the windows should be facing north or south rather than east or west as it is ideal for ventilation. Every window should start from the floor a few inches above and it can go high according to the ceiling. 

What is EMI? Effects and How to Calculate them

EMI is a crucial factor to determine when it comes to personal lending. It’ll help you know the exact cash outgo you’ll be required to make towards loan repayments until it’s paid fully.

A personal loan is the Holy Grail for anyone in fiscal crises. Whether it’s an emergency medical surgery or new business requirement, a personal loan can help tide over it all and more. These are collateral-free loans with competitive interest rates, broad eligibility requirements, minimal documentation, no end usage restrictions, and speedy approvals and disbursals.

However, a personal loan is also a liability just like any other lending option out there. The loan needs to be paid in full within a pre-agreed schedule. For each borrowed amount, you end up paying the principal, interest rates, processing fees, and other applicable charges in EMIs.

What is EMI?

EMI stands for Equated Monthly Instalment. It’s the amount you pay towards repayment of your borrowing at a specified date month on month, year on year. The EMIs last until the loan is repaid in full, including principal, interest, processing fees, and other applicable charges. The EMIs, typically, remains unchanged for the entire tenor. In the first few years of the tenor, the EMIs pay the relevant interest. In the later years, they contribute towards the principal.

Every lender incorporates a personal loan EMI calculator on its website to help you compute EMIs for a given loan at an offered interest rate for a given tenor. While Manual calculations are tedious and prone to errors, the program does the math for you accurately and quickly.

How do they matter?

EMIs give you an exact idea of how much you’ll be contributing towards your loan repayments monthly for a given period. Once you know the EMI outgo, it’s easy to plan your finances accordingly. That translates into better financial management and complete peace of mind.

What affects EMIs?

EMIs are subject to three components, namely principle, interest and tenor.

  1. Principle: It’s the amount you borrow. Higher loan amount leads to higher EMIs. The lender ascertains the quantum of loan on your credit history, repayment capacity, and other factors. It’s imperative to evaluate your repayment capacity before personal loan apply to avoid default in EMI payments, which can be disastrous for your credit history.
  2. Interest: The lender earns from the lending by levying a certain percentage. It is the interest rate for you. Just like principle, interest rate shares a directly proportional relationship with the EMI. Higher interest rates translate into higher EMIs.
  3. Tenor: Tenor represents the time allotted for full credit repayment. EMI and tenors share an inversely proportional relationship. Longer tenors involve lower EMIs and vice versa. Typically, the tenor for a personal loan can range between one year and five years.

How to calculate them?

There’s a standard formula to calculate EMIs, no matter whether you do it manually, in an Excel Spreadsheet or through a personal loan EMI calculator on your lender’s website.

The formula: E = [P x R x (1+R) ^ N] / [(1+R) ^ N-1], where:

  • E represents EMI
  • P denotes the quantum of the loan (principal)
  • R stands for a monthly interest rate.
  • N reflects the monthly instalments payable.

Note that, the monthly interest rate is calculated by dividing the number of months in a year and multiplying it by 100. Say, 12% overall interest attracts 12/12X100 = 0.01 monthly interest.

Are you still confused? Let’s elaborate it with an example.

You borrow INR 20, 00,000 from an NBFC at 12% annual interest rate for a 5 year (60 months) period. Now, 20, 00,000 X 20 X (1 + 20) ^ 60 / (1 + 20) ^ 60 – 1 = 44,489.

Feel free to calculate the EMI for loan amounts, interests and tenors in any combination before personal loan application. That’ll help you arrive on educated decisions.

How to Improve Your Credit Score with an Installment Loan

An installment loan is a broad term used to describe commercial and personal loans extended to borrowers. It can be any loan with scheduled repayment. A credit score is an essential element of your financial life.

A good credit score can provide many benefits like lower interest rates and higher chances of loan approval. If you have a subpar credit score, consider taking an installment loan to improve your credit score. In this article, you will learn the different ways an installment loan can boost your credit score.

How Can an Installment Loan Help Build Credit Score?

The credit score reflects your financial activity. Any loan and its repayment get reported to the credit bureaus. If you don’t have much past financial activity, your credit score is more likely to be lower. Take an installment loan to improve credit score and make timely monthly repayments. Your timely payments will have a positive effect on your credit score, and it will start improving.

How Can an Installment Loan Improve Your Credit Score?

Multiple loan repayments are difficult to manage, especially if your income to debt ratio is high. If you miss on payments, it will get reported to the credit bureaus, and your credit score will fall. If you are finding it tough to manage multiple loan repayments, consider taking an installment loan to improve your credit score.

The loan amount can be utilized to pay multiple loans, including credit card debt. Once all loan repayments are made, you are only left with one installment loan to repay. With only one loan repayment to make, you can prepare a budget to save more and make timely repayments. It may have a positive impact on your score.

Different Ways Installment Loans Boost Your Credit Score

Reduce Credit Utilization Rate

Many people don’t know the credit utilization rate affects their credit score. A high credit utilization rate is not considered reasonable, and it lowers your credit score. If you are using multiple credit cards, make sure the credit utilization rate is 30% or below.

For example, if the credit card limit is $50,000, you should always ensure the credit card limit balance is $35,000 or more. If the credit utilization rate is beyond 30%, it will negatively impact your credit scores. If you have high credit card balances, take an installment loan to pay credit card dues. This will reduce the credit utilization rate, which will have a positive effect on the credit score.

Debt Consolidation

When you reduce the credit utilization rate, your credit score improves. You can use it to your benefit and get loans with lower interest. Take an installment loan to pay all high-interest debts. It improves your debt to income ratio.

Paying off high-interest debt helps you save money in the long run. Installments loans can be used for debt consolidation and make debt repayment a lot easier. When you take installment loans and make timely repayments, monitor your progress. Make sure all the financial activities are reported on your credit report.

The primary purpose of an installment loan is to meet your financial needs, but it can also boost your credit score, bringing in several benefits.

Paying Rent? A Home Loan Is the Best Solution For This

Home Loan: When you move out of your parent’s house for the first time, you look for house renting options. Once you find a suitable property, you settle down there for a considerable time. However, after a few years, you may hear people say that you should consider buying a house on EMI instead of paying rent. At this point, even you start thinking about the same. 

In case you are in doubt about what to do, here are some benefits of opting for the PNB housing home loan over paying rent. 

#1 Mental Relief

Nowadays, most of our actions are done for mental relief, such as emergency and retirement funds. The same thing goes with purchasing a home. There is a certain security in the feeling of “my home,” which can’t be achieved through a rented place. 

Plus, you don’t remain dependent on anyone for any tasks of the house. You can take care of everything on your own without worrying about what the owner will say. This is the primary reason why more people in India prefer buying over renting properties. 

#2 Stability in Future Finances

Rent never remains the same. After a specific period, your landlord increases the amount by a pre-determined percentage. So, the longer you stay in the property, the more rent you will have to pay. On the other hand, home loan EMIs are almost fixed. You may opt for a flexible home loan interest rate in India, but that won’t change as much as the rent. Therefore, you can easily predict the future costs and plan your funds accordingly. 

#3 Asset Ownership

Even though the home loan is a liability, you are still securing an asset for the future of your family. Once your loan gets paid, you become the full owner of the house. Then you can use that property for any purpose. Plus, you can also opt for a loan against property later in life for fulfilling any personal financial objectives. 

#4 Better Tax Benefits

Both rent and PNB housing home loan are eligible for a tax deduction. Where you can avail of benefits under Section 80C and 24B for the loan, Section 10 (13A) offers advantages on rent. However, there is a considerable contrast in the amount that can be deducted from tax. Home loan offers better subtraction than rent. A few more additional tax benefits on loan are:

  • In case you have a co-applicant for a loan, both of you can claim the deduction separately on the individual amounts paid. This increases the overall benefits on tax. 
  • You can avail of the benefits for your taxable income and not only on the salary. Contrastingly, Section 10 (13A) only provides deductions for regular salaried employees. If you aren’t a salaried person, you can’t get the advantage. 


There are several other perks of purchasing over renting. Once you buy a house of your own, you will get to know all the benefits. So, I advise you to start your research, look for home loan interest rates in India, and pick the most suitable loan alternative. 

Home Décor Ideas: 3 Ways to Make Your Home Look Elegant

Home Décor Ideas: One of the most essential things in a person’s life is their homes, their own space. No matter where you go in the world, your own home or your room will always be the best and your favorite place in the world as a whole. It gives a feeling of home and belonging that no other place on the planet earth can provide you. You have almost thousands of memories, good, threatening, or even the slight chill day memories that you will cherish all in your life.

But what if that space you love so much is not well presented as of what kind of a person you are. Or that it does not make you feel like it belongs to you. What if that place is messy, plain, boring, and does not have any structure at all? Something that you will be proud to call your own. If you think along the same line about your space, we are here to help you. This article will talk about each and everything you can do that will transform your dull and plain room into an exquisite and cozy space, the one you will look forward to going, at the end of the day. Just follow some simple tips and tricks that are not only on-budget and will be easy on your pocket but will also drastically transform your space in some minutes.

1: Fans with Lights

Now, the most neglected piece of any space is the ceiling fan. You would never find an area where you’ll go and look twice at the ceiling fan. Because no one really puts any effort into the particular piece, but here we are telling you to make it fun and popping. Get ceiling fans with lights. It will give your space a glow every time you open it. You are making people look twice at what you have got. It is the best thing you can do with your space that will drastically transform it from being plain and boring to stunning and elegant with a pop of colors that will show off your personality.

2: Photography and Art

Space would never feel like home if you do not own some art pieces and photography, be it of your friends and family or some pictures of the places that you have seen. It can also be the art or the quotes you believe in. Art will give your space not only aesthetics and elegant touch, but it will provide the space with personality. People can point out and look towards your growth and what you believe as a person through your home’s art. Make sure you buy every frame in the same color as it provides more dept and synchronization in the home.

3: An Accent Wall

You have probably heard that coloring your space with complete white pristine paint will make it classy and elegant. But what we forget that sometimes overdoing it makes the place just plain boring, like It has no character or interesting thing that one might look at. To solve that, having an accent wall can be the solution to all of your problems. You can paint it with your favorite color, or you can simply make it white but have a gallery wall or an art wall that will pop up and make the wall-less white.

These are the top 3 tips on making your space elegant without going broke and still making a change, just switching things up here and there. Make sure do you don’t over do your accent wall as it will kill the elegant look, make it not more than 6 frames and you are good to go,