How Demonetization did Affect The Real Estate Industry?

Demonetization Affect Real EstateA major move of Demonetization was witnessed by the entire world on the evening of 8th November 2016. The entire nation faced a huge hoopla as the announcement was sudden and startling. Who anticipated that the government might take such steps to curb the black money out of the system? A number of sectors naturally got affected with this move of the government. Online transaction and card payment methods went on a rise; online gateways and wallets were also a hit.

Subsequently, even real estate underwent some changes owing to the effect of demonetization. Traditionally, real estate has witnessed the huge involvement of black money and cash transactions. It is predicted that the luxury houses would face corrections in the pricing in short to medium term. Since luxury homes do involve the majority of the transaction in cash. On the contrary, the primary homes wouldn’t see as much effect on pricing. The parties involved in buying affordable homes are more concerned with home loans. The home loans taken are carried through legal route hence this particular arena wouldn’t face corrections in the prices. Further, it is expected that those buyers who opt for home loans would have a reason to rejoice since the rates of EMIs might soon drop down and become more flexible.

Additionally, according to the well researchable NL Builders the another segment that would have an impact on pricing is that of piling up inventories for the developers and real estate sellers. Due to the reduction in cash component, it is predicted that there would a lethargic demand in real estate for short term at least. Owing to the reduction in cash component, the real estate developers might be led to cut down their prices in order to generate required liquidity.

Another significant impact that demonetization would lead to cheaper borrowing rates. Due to the increase in the fund flows in the bank, the rates at which the sum is lent is slashed down. This would encourage the buyers to buy affordable homes at friendly EMIs.

Furthermore, when it comes to office/industrial leasing there is minimal impact on it. Since the cash component was never a significant aspect of the transactions in this segment, there is hardly any occurrence of the pricing correction.

There is a vital delay in the execution of the ongoing projects. Given the cash crunch that demonetization has bought it there is a trouble delay for sure. There is also a forecasted interest of developer into tier 2 cities. This witnessed the deluge of end users in buying. Being in the industry as an establish real estate marketer and builders the NL builders do believe that demonetization would curb the black money but at the same time it would affect the demand.

NL Builders who are well established in the industry also presume that land segment and resale properties would face a major impact since cash component is popular in these transactions. For the end users buying a home is relatively cheaper than ever and this can be easily termed as the golden builder from customer’s end. The negotiation power gives an upper hand to the buyer. Though reputed builder such as NLPL Group, have not been affected by this move as they were already selling only full white.






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