5 Important Things Women Look for in Buying a House!

Buying a house is an important decision in one’s life. A number of factors become important considerations since it is not about one person’s comfort, it is for the family. A key member of the family is the woman of the house on who rests the responsibility of turning a house into a home. You may be the man of the house, the key financier or the decision maker; but without the woman’s approval no deal seems satisfactory.

Most people think women are complex beings to understand. Well, that actually is not true because they have their priorities right in place. So, what does the woman look for when investing in a house? To put it straight, the woman prioritizes each and every requirement of every individual in the house as her own. Here are a few things that catch a woman’s attention and fancy when it comes to new home buying decisions.

Safety: Whether you are a single woman or living with your family; for a woman safety is a key factor that affects her living. A safe neighborhood, ample securities are more important to women than to men. For a woman to feel like living in the house and calling it her own there needs to be a safe and secure vibe that the house sends out to her.

Social Life: Let’s face it women are social creatures and need to be around people. While the men prefer to sleep on a Sunday afternoon, women would prefer to destress over a pot lunch with a few like-minded neighbors. Having a social circle in the place you live is an important criteria for women.

Easy Accessibility: While for men the only place of easy access should be their workplace, for women accessibility to various points matters. Accessibility to the parks, super markets, friends and family, gyms etc make a lot of difference to women. Blame it on their multi managerial abilities but to be present in so many places is important for them.

Light & Air: Women are free by spirit and confined walls and congested spaces are a complete no for them. Well-lit house with huge windows facing open spaces send out positivity and a feeling of open spaces for the women and that does make a difference. Women in general are creative. Well ventilated and brightly lit spaces do bring out the best in them.

Well Defined Spaces: Women tend to manage way too many things than what they even talk about. Hence, an organized house that makes room for every item in her checklist is a sure winner. Women love houses that accommodate little things that help her in maintaining her house in an organized manner as she loves it.

One thought on “5 Important Things Women Look for in Buying a House!

  • May 10, 2017 at 10:09 pm

    This was quite an interesting read; however, I’m glad that safety made it to the top of your list. After all, I feel like safety is something that both men and women can appreciate in a house. In fact, when buying a house, you should make sure that all windows and doors are intact so that your home is as safe as it can be.


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