Why You Must Choose a Job that Fulfills Your Passion

Why You Must Choose a Job that Fulfils Your Passion

When choosing a job, there are a lot of factors that you have to take into account: money usually being the most important one. Money undeniably is an important part of our lives, as it can buy us all the temporary happiness. But it can’t buy time- so if you choose a job, that pays you well, but you realize in a few years that it’s not what you wanted to do, you cannot get the time back. In today’s world, where jobs are scarce, most of us are stuck doing jobs that we hate just for the sake of the money. But we can’t do this for the rest of our lives – we should do something that we’re genuinely passionate about. Here’s why:

●    Money may motivate you temporarily, but not forever: Waking up every morning 5days a week for your 9-5 job is anything but fun. No matter how much your salary, it is stressful and unfulfilling. You may bear with it for a few years,but it will soon start to frustrate you, affecting your health and work. So do not run after money – a low paying job that you enjoy doing will be able to satisfy you better.

●    You do your work with more interest and passion: The everyday work that you do mindlessly, and just to meet the deadlines can be exhausting. But there’s no such exhaustion when you do something you enjoy doing- work doesn’t feel like work anymore!

●    Relating to your work, you can come up with new innovative ideas: when you’re not forced to do certain work, you enjoy your creative freedom – you think better,you work better, and you feel better. You have the space to shape your new ideas and create more.

●    Work doesn’t feel forced anymore: In the endless cycle of misery, where you run after money instead of health and your passion, you will only hate your job even more with every passing day. Some might say, that the more money you have,the more you’ll enjoy after you retire. But you do not have the energy at that age, and why put yourself through years of misery for that.

●    You’ll even enjoy over – time: When you’re doing something you love, putting in some extra hours work will not be a problem for you. There’s a busy season for every industry, and you’ve got to work extra during that time. It is more comfortable if you’re working somewhere you like, rather than someplace you can’t stand.

●    You are ready to go that extra mile for your job: There may arise certain obligations that make you go beyond your call of duty and maybe take responsibility of stuff that’s not part of your day to day work. But since you are passionate about what you do, and you genuinely care about the work, you’ll be putting in extra effort willingly.

●    Success will automatically follow: When you do something with so much care and responsibility, you put it your time and effort, you will surely succeed. There will be highs and lows, obstacles, but you’ll come up with creative solutions to deal with them.

We will be working most of our lives; our careers consume the prime years of our lives- so doing something we love will help us lead a happy life.  

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