How to Smartly tackle your child’s tantrums

Let us just face it, tantrums are difficult to handle. Whether you are a new parent or an old one, tantrums come in different phases and ways! Tantrums are annoying and can often make you really angry but, there are ways to deal with it. While some parents resort to beating and scolding, there are some other ways to deal with them as well.
Today we are going to talk about the ways to deal with your child’s tantrums in a much smarter way.

  1. Positive attention
    A lot of kids tend to throw tantrums simply because they are not getting enough attention. So providing healthy positive attention to your kids is important. Make them feel heard and understood always. A lot of tantrums are done out of the sheer frustration of not being understood by the parents.
  2. Offer choices
    Kids love to have control over some things and as an adult, you should be smart with it. Offer them minor choices such as which juice do they want – apple or grapes or what clothes do they want to wear today. This understanding of having control over certain things makes them feel hopeful as well as valued.
  3. Distract them
    There is an advantage that adults have over the kids and that is the attention span. Kids, by default, tend to have a low attention span which makes it easy for us to distract them. Every time you feel they are about to throw unnecessary tantrums – try to distract them.
  4. Teach them to be calm
    Make this very clear through the communication and action that there are nicer ways of asking things and make them believe that they are always heard when they are obedient and nice. The more tantrum they create the harder it is for you to understand them.
  5. Know their timings
    If your child has just woken up from sleep, it could be bad timing to go out shopping! As an adult, you should consider their moods too before taking them anywhere. The bad mood of your child can ruin yours too!
  6. Know the cause
    One cannot handle the tantrums cleverly if one doesn’t know the cause. Try to understand the root cause behind this behavior. Is the child angry or just sleepy? Is he or she is a bad mood or it is being done to drive attention?

Sometimes taking expert help is also important. As the experts can understand well about child psychology and help your guide well in the parenting lessons. If there is any point that we have missed, do let us know in the comment section below!

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