9 things to do on the weekend if you are left alone
Weekends do not necessarily have to be the time for a huge party or outing, sometimes you can just have a little downtime. It is great to let your hair down and spend some quality time with friends, however, some alone time to be just by yourself is really important in real life.
Here are 9 things that you can do on your weekend if you are left alone.

1. You finally get the chance to read the book your friend suggested.
In this modern life, we all are very busy and it is very easy to make a list of things that we want to do if we had enough time for it. You may want to read that book but after a busy and tiring day, things like reading books get pushed to the back of your priorities. Take the alone time that you have got and spend it doing something for yourself.
2. Eat without judgement
Having as much as food as your heart desires with absolutely no judgement what can be better than this? Eat as much as you like and use the excuse that since you were home alone you did not want the food to go to waste.
3. Have an endless movie or TV marathon
With no one disturbing, stopping or making you miss the important part of your favourite show and no judgement that you are completely wasting your day in front of the TV, you will have endless hours of laziness and you can enjoy feeling completely content.
4. Taking over the kitchen and cooking
Alone time is a perfect time for experimenting in the kitchen obviously with precautions. Try all those recipes that you have seen in the magazines and on YouTube.
5. Take a long bubble bath or shower
Peace and calmness in the entire house is the perfect environment for you to relax. Light up some candles, for yourself a glass of wine and let yourself in a long bubble bath.
6. Sorting your things
Having some alone time is the perfect opportunity to get yourself together and make sure that everything is in order. Clean up your cupboard, room and throw out what you no longer need. Having a clean room will make you feel fresh and will also help you have a mind as tidy as your house.
7. Get some fresh air
Being cooped up all day at work can easily become quite boring and you may find yourself a bit fidgety. Simple things like a brisk walk will help you get fresh air that you need for your brain to calm down and it will also make your weekend more satisfying.
8. Online shopping
After a long and busy weekend, you need to reward yourself. Rather than going outside in the crowd, snuggle up in your blanket and order yourself some lovely treats from the online websites in the comfort of your home.
9. Exercise
While all the above points may seem enjoyable, it is very easy to become restless when you have a day on your own. If you do not like to workout in the gym you can always get a yoga, Zumba or workout DVD that will help you feel good about yourself.