Reasons Why Choosing a Row House Over a Flat is Good

A house turns into a home through the attachment of emotions and the different aspects of life. It doesn’t just stay as a place to live, but as a place for the survival of your spirit and soul. Be it an apartment, villa, mansion, tall skyscrapers or row houses, each and everyone of them has a different perspective and an unusual way to life.

All has their pros and cons in accordance to their environment and their particular characteristics. Here, I will lay down some points on why a row house should be preferred over a flat. They are:

  1. Privacy, privacy and privacy: Nowadays, finding a place to live that is wrapped around in privacy is a hard end to find. Mostly, with the increase in population, the household constructions have taken the liberty of privacy away. But a row house has it’s our aura. Being aloof from the other houses around with it’s own porch, background and garden space, maintaining privacy is easy.
  2. A high end freedom, it’s your own house: Stay however you like. As mentioned above, as row houses contain their own privacy, its not hard to maintain a distance from the hotchpotch pedestrian life outside. Be yourself, develop the house yourself. It’s yours.
  3. Let your imaginations flow, design it yourself: Do not have to go to the contractor and speak about extensions. Don’t bug his mind and discuss about approvals. It’s your space, work on it yourself. Not only will your experience increase, designing a house of it’s own helps in the enhancement of your own self confidence.
  4. Do not have to let the builders know about the future modifications of the exteriors: After the overall construction is done, the house belongs to yours. Whatever you do with the space within your boundaries, no one is going to bat an eyelid.
  5. Space for greenhouse: Construct a greenhouse. Not only does that help the environment, but it gives yourself a state of tranquility when you’re surrounded with greens.
  6. Gardening: It’s your piece of land, extend it with trees and shrubs and plants. Grow them, helping to reduce the greenhouse gases and global warming has no negative effects!
  7. Expanding of space as per requirements: Be it to the sides, or above, row houses are always a better option to go for, than flats. A free space to your left, want a wooden porch? Go ahead. No one is going to bother you with that.
  8. Increasing the storey: As I said earlier, you don’t have to contract your contractor for increasing your own space, if it is done legally, of course. On the other hand, in apartments, it is impossible to do so.

Though there might be concerns about the loose security of the house or joining external clubs such as gyms and sports facilities, choosing a row house over an apartment should be highly recommended because of their huge advantages.

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