Reasons Why Meditation Helps

The practice where a person uses the technique of focusing on a particular object, person, or situation to achieve a clear mentality and an emotionally calm and stable state is called meditation. Meditation is used to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and several other mental illnesses and is recommended by doctors on a daily basis. The earliest mentions of meditation can be found in the Hindu traditions of Vedantism. Meditation is being practiced since the beginning of time to achieve enlightenment, self-evaluation, and peace of mind. And since then, meditation has been used as a trusted technique for self-development.

Today meditation is recommended by doctors all over the world the patients get better. There are practically thousands of normally experienced and scientifically assured reasons why meditation helps. Meditation helps different people in a different way based on what they are looking to achieve with meditation. It might be physical or mental. Meditation has both physical health benefits and psychological health benefits.

Some of them are :

  • The human brain needs steady and strong blood flow to function well and properly. Meditation increases the blood flow to our brain making it easier for the brain to work well and process properly.
  • Meditation helps in the growth of the brain. Not only in size but also in thickness. Which in turn makes us smarter, self-aware, increases our memory capacity, self-control, and various other desirable mental qualities.
  • Cortisol is our body’s main stress hormone which suppresses the immune system and makes us feel anxious, nervous, depressed, stressed, and that too without any particular or valid reason. Meditation helps in the reduction of cortisol production and helps us stay sane.
  • Meditation calms and settles us down which in turn helps in reducing blood pressure and the heart rate and reduces the chances of a heart attack.
  • The ability of the brain to change continuously throughout the life of an individual to adapt to various situations is known as neuroplasticity. Meditation helps in increasing the production of neuroplasticity.
  • Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals that are secreted by the brain. These endogenous chemicals play a huge role in controlling our moods.  The most important neurotransmitters are serotonin and dopamine. Low secretion of serotonin causes depression. Meditation helps in increasing the production of these two chemicals.
  • Meditation is highly recommended to reduce brain-related illnesses such as depression, anxiety, etc. When we meditate the brain undergoes a drastic change that causes the reduction and prevention of these illnesses. Hence, it helps in improving our nervous system.
  • The cerebral cortex which covers the front part of the frontal lobe is called the prefrontal cortex. Itis is responsible for personality expression, decision making, focus, social behavior,etc. Meditation stimulates the prefrontal cortex which in turn increases the focus and present moment awareness.
  • Meditation helps in increasing the volume of the brain which provides us with more brainpower. And with the stimulation of the prefrontal cortex, the brain learning center is awakened which in turn increases our capacity to learn.

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