Fulfilling Career Prospects In UAE( United Arab Emirates )

Fulfilling Career Prospects In UAE( United Arab Emirates )

The United Arab Emirates is typically a country in Western Asia with Abu Dhabi as its capital and Dubai as the largest city. The economy of UAE is the second largest in the middle-east and is known to have the most diversified economy. Hence it is not very surprising to have an excellent career opportunity in the UAE.

Here we bring to you a few promising careers in the country:-

  1. A career as an engineer in the UAE- The country of Arab is known to be the third-largest producer of oil in the middle-east and hence the skylines of the cities there serve the most important purpose, that is, helps in the import and export of oil and minerals. These skylines always need to be checked for safety and evolving with better technology and finance. Hence the requirement of engineers is very high in the country. Jobs are available for all levels of engineers in any course of engineering, be it civil or mechanical or chemical or electrical or environmental. These engineers get paid a very decent amount for their work which keeps increasing as they get promoted in their respective fields along with several benefits.
  2. Travel and Tourism Industry In UAE – With the development of the travel and tourism industry in the country, the demand for professionals in fields like hotel management, spa, personal trainers, resort managers, chefs, and bartenders have shot very high employing numerous youths and unemployed. Also with evolving airlines of the country, it has become easier for tourists to visit the grandeur of UAE with the best of luxuries thus shooting up prosperous careers in this field.
  3. Marketing Jobs – One of the advantages of having a diversified and booming economy is that the residents of the country have a lot of income to be disposed of according to their necessities and luxuries and hence multinational advertising and marketing companies choose this region to set up their business or organizations. People from foreign countries can get jobs in these multinational institutions as a marketing assistant, marketing analyst, marketing consultant, etc. Also, the tag of the UAE in your profile would put up your impression when you go for an interview in some other place.
  4. Medical career in UAE- With the development of new medical centers and hospitals in the region, a large number of medical professionals with expertise in varying fields are needed to fulfilling the vacancies. So with a medical degree, one can get a high paid job in the UAE which is tax-free and also enjoys the benefits of the posts on which one is working. If you are someone experienced in the field then chances are even higher of getting above decent salaries. Some hospitals also team up with research centers or universities making this career very rewarding.
  5. A career as a teacher- The emerging economy demands for the future generation of the country to be as qualified as possible so that they can run their country. Hence teachers are required in large numbers to educate the people out there. Also with rapid growth in medical, marketing, and engineering fields, more teachers for teaching subjects like English, Mathematics, Business Management, and Science. Hence a career as a teacher is also advantageous in the long run.
  6. Member of Cabin Crew – As the development of airlines is at a peak so it’s very obvious to require more members for working in the airport and cabin crew. Hence applying for jobs of air hostess or pilot is undoubtedly one of the most paid jobs in the country.
  7. Finance Job- In a place where it is huge is a huge transaction of money throughout the day, be it any department, the job as a financer is very challenging and extremely important because it is so not possible for few people to handle the accounting of such huge amount of money transactions. If you are eligible enough for this post then UAE can offer you amazing employment packages be it private banks or public.
  8. Journalism – Media is always a point of attraction, be it any city or any country. The industry needs people who are experienced in various types of media handling like writers, editors, videographers, PR managers, journalists. Also, journalism can lead you to visit different places. So if you like adventures and excitements then opting for journalism jobs in UAE is also a good start to prospectus career.

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