Buying a New Row House? Follow the Checklist

Buying a New Row HouseHome is a place of respite and retreat. Home is as much an emotion as it is the four walls wherein you live. And because of this very reason, the process of picking a new place to live is an exciting yet nerve wrecking experience. Whether you’re young and just starting off in life, being independent, living with your friends or you are a family man and looking for a cosy nest for your children to grow, a new home is a big decision. If you’re not checking for the smallest of flaws and making sure you’re getting the perfect place at the perfect price, you’re doing it wrong.

Confused? Here are some pro tips that you might need while looking for a new row house:

1)    Location:

Location is the first thing you should look for. If your home is just a short distance away from all the facilities and important places in the city like your workplace, the children’s school, a park, the convenience stores, the health centres and the gyms, you have very little to worry about in the future. Good residential neighbourhoods are hard to come by, but when an opportunity knocks, you open the door. Good neighborhoods meant for residencies are safe and have an overall hospitable environment. NL Builders ensure that the homes built are safe and accessible.

2)    Space:

The next most important thing in a row house hunt is the space. This doesn’t mean that you buy an extravagantly large house that is too big for the number of people living in it. The trick is to strike the right balance. Imagine yourself living in that place for the following ten years. If even a single part of it makes you feel claustrophobic, that place might not be for you. Love to spend time in the garage, tending to your car? Look for a home with a garage that serves the purpose. Love to barbecue on weekends and have a beer with your best buds? Look for a backyard with a brick barbecue.  Make sure that the original architecture of the house is so good that you have to make minimal changes in the construction, which brings us to the next tip.

3)    Modification:

Row houses are a unique housing concept that was invented in the recent past but has found its place in the modern Indian society as a home of variable levels of luxury. The homes built by well known builders such as NL Builders are great at modifications. The biggest plus point of buying a row house is that there’s a lot of room for modification. Want a nice patio out front? Go ahead! Want a mini- golf set in the backyard? You got it! Want to merge the two bedrooms on the top floor? Of course, you can! The row house is a personalised living experience combined with the community living experience.

4)    Cost:

Cost is one of the most important things you need to factor into the purchase of a new house. Followed by the location and the size of the house, you should zero in on your ideal price. Do not set a fixed limit and be reasonable. If your ideal home demands a little more money out of your pocket than you originally thought, wait it out. Wait till you have enough and then go for it. Home loans are the next best thing. You should be well informed about all the home loan types and policies that various banks offer. This is the most crucial part in the process of buying a house. You need to keep a track of the market and how likely you are to get a good deal on your loan. Choose which type of loan you are most comfortable with.

5)    What puts you off?

Deciding what your deal breakers are is good. Only you can know what you would like and what you want. Check for little things, like a good view from your gallery; a north facing bedroom so that you can enjoy a sunrise; a home in an environment-friendly area, where the air is fresh, the sky is clear and there is cleanliness. The grass doesn’t always have to be greener on the other side! Check for pests and other infestations. Check for rabid dogs, diseases in the neighbourhood. Do not go for a smaller bathroom just because you’re getting a beautiful wind vane. Focus on the essentials.

6)    Invest in a good security system:

The safety of your loved ones and your own self is indispensable. It is good to know that you can rest assured that that safety is not compromised. A good and independent security system can be bought for a row house. Due to technological advancement, the system occupies minimal space and is obscured from sight, but is more efficient than a vigilant night guard. CCTV cameras can be installed in areas that are prone to an intrusion.

7)    Seek help:

Do not go off on your own on this venture. Help from experienced people and good advice from a trustworthy financial advisor is a must. Learn from the experiences of your friends and family. Get to know about all the mistakes and the good decisions made by them. Get in touch with a good interior designer. Take their advice on whether the house has the potential to be augmented in terms of its beauty and comfort. Deals that may seem impossible to turn down, in the beginning, may be surpassed by far better ones. Be patient and avoid any impulsive decisions.

In conclusion, it can be summarized that buying a new home is a very elaborate process. Resourcefulness, foresight and patience are the key virtues that you need to hold while going on a real estate hunt. Row houses can prove to be a far more beautiful and comfortable home compared to most apartments and condominiums. Seek help, learn from others’ experiences and invest some time into the decision-making process before buying a new home.

Happy hunting!

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