Things to do as soon as you get up to generate happy hormones

You might have heard that happiness creates success. Your mental health plays a major role when it comes to the accomplishment and contentedness in all the aspects of life. We are lucky as our brain is always on our side when we aim to succeed. If we have a bit of knowledge about the good brain chemicals, we will know how to trigger them in order to complete and accomplish our goals with greater ease. They are not as complicated as one might think and in fact, they all create logical connections that can easily be supported by simply making few changes in our daily habit.

  1. Start exercising
    One of the most effective and the best way is to boost the serotonin level with daily exercise. 20 to 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per day is actually enough to receive all the benefits. One of the other advantages of exercise is good sleep. With regular and proper exercise, one can have a clear thought process, it keeps the heart and other muscles strong and keeps us away from obesity. Exercise also helps to produce and also increase the levels of endorphin and serotonin which in return helps in improving our mood and energy level. So the next time you are agitated or you are feeling low, go out for a short walk outside, dance or you may join a group exercise class.
  2. Spend some time in the sunshine
    Most people only need short and proper sunlight exposure to help up our body create vitamin D which is very much needed for the production of brain chemicals such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine. Vitamin D is also synthesized by the body whenever the skin comes in the sun’s exposure.
  3. Try having some chocolates
    Have you ever seen a chocolate lover sad? Good quality dark chocolate has one of the most amazing health benefits which includes synthesis of endorphin. It also helps in reducing inflammation, reduces the blood pressure level to normal, and also protects the arteries. A little bit of chocolate helps, in the long run, to stick to having small serving per week.
  4. Eat enough carbs
    Recent research has found that the food that contains carbohydrates increases our serotonin level and also improves the mood by increasing the happy hormones.
  5. Have a pet dog or a cat
    Research has proved that petting a dog or a cat only for 15 minutes releases happy hormones such as serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin that lowers the stress hormone cortisol. Pets can also help to lower the blood pressure, reduce stress, improving loneliness, and reduces negativity.
  6. Meditation
    Meditation or mindfulness is quite beneficial to our happiness and improves mental health. Meditation triggers the hypothalamus to release endorphins, thus promoting relaxation, self-healing, and the total well being. Yoga can also help in improving anxiety, depression, focus, pain, and the other side effects of stress.

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