How to be a team player in the office

Getting along with your colleagues and enjoying the time spent with them is the key to enjoying the work experience and fitting in with the office crowd. No one wants to be an outsider, but if you feel that you are not reaching your potential and you are wondering what the real problem is, you must read this article.

A team player

Being a better team player might be the answer you are searching for as your ability to work properly with all the people in your office will not only improve the relationship with them but will also help you perform and deliver better in your job. So let us look at some of the steps which you might consider taking to be a better team player.

  • Let your colleagues help you

One of the most common but the biggest pitfalls the achieving professionals might fall into is the need for help from others. Helping others is a great thing, but allowing others to help you is equally important. By properly opening up to all your coworkers, you learn to be more Authentic, be more approachable and also benefit from their wisdom and experience.

  • Try focusing on the same interests

The team members who are balancing the long term interest of the key parties and who are setting a strategy to achieve this vision will successfully build credibility, reputation, and overall power in his office.

  • Listen properly

Most of the time in a hurry we basically focus on the actions that are supposed to be taken rather than thinking about how others might be affected by it. One of the most powerful gifts that we can gift to another human is to truly understand and listen to them. If you listen well, your part of becoming a better and easily approached co-worker and a team player reveals by itself.

  • Cultivate the genius in others

Most of us are trainees to focus on our success rather than helping others succeed. This shift of mind to focus outward is the scale that is required to be a good team player. If you spend more time cultivating the genius in other colleagues, people will naturally be attracted towards you because you are a person who inspires and empowers them to realize their own potential.

  • Make yourself a reward

According to Neuroscience, our brain reacts and thinks positively whenever we see a reward in front of us. So make yourself an award to your colleagues by treating each and everyone fairly and respectfully, relating to the thoughts and seeking help for ideas and offering your own values.

  • Use your followership skills properly

The aptitude and the attitude that is needed for a team to work efficiently is often assumed to be with everyone’s wheelhouse. So the teams often do not function well if they have an alpha leader. Instead of your leadership try and use your followership.

  • Focus on collaboration and not just cooperation

Get in the habit of helping your colleagues whenever necessary. This will not only build goodwill but will also improve understanding and collaboration.

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