9 Ways To Boost Your Immunity System.

Your immune system does an amazing and remarkable job of protecting you from various disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes this immune system fails due to your lack of attention to it. There are various ways in which you can boost your immunity system to stay healthy and fit.

  1. Enough Sleep and Management Of Stress: A person should be getting enough sleep and should be able to manage his or her stress properly. The deprivation of sleep and the increase in the stress level produces the hormone known as cortisol. The prolonged elevation of this hormone suppresses the ability of the immunity system to function.
  2. Avoid Smoking Tobacco: The smoking of tobacco reduces the ability of the immune system to work. Smoking tobacco reduces the defence mechanism and raises the risk of bronchitis and pneumonia in adults and middle ear infections in kids.
  3. Eating Healthy: If you want your immune system to work efficiently you need to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. These foods provide your body with the nutrients that your immune system needs to work well. Boosting fruits and vegetables in your diet improves antibody response to the Pneumovax vaccine which protects against pneumonia.
  4. Consider Probiotics: Different studies have shown that the intake of various supplements reduces the risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. The usage of fermented milk products has been used to reduce the risk of respiratory infections in adults and kids.
  5. Catch Some Rays: Sunlight triggers the production of vitamin Din our skin. 10-15 minutes of exposure to the sun rays is enough during the summer season. Low levels of vitamin D increase the risk of respiratory infections. Vitamin D supplements are now available both for kids and adults to increase the level of Vitamin D in your immunity system which in turn helps in the reduction of various infections and diseases.
  6. Exercise Regularly: People who do not exercise regularly often fall sick various times. People who exercise regularly have a strong immune system that is capable of withstanding various microbes from invading our immune system. People who exercise regularly feel better and stronger than the people who do not. So exercises are a great way to strengthen your immune system.
  7. Vaccination: The annual flu shot is although 80 per cent effective but it is still better than most of the other methods of defence. These flu shots provide your body with various defense nutrients that protect your body from getting invaded by disease-causing microorganisms.
  8. Eat Medicinal Mushrooms: Eating medicinal mushrooms such as shiitake and maitake often helps in strengthening your immune system. A concentrated extract of shiitake enhances the immune function of women with breast cancer.
  9. Garlic: Garlic is one of the most important broad-spectrum antibacterial agent and immune system booster. The heat from the garlic usually works as a booster.

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