7 Things you must consider before taking a house on rent

Taking a flat on rent has always seen cheaper than buying a brand new one. A huge number of people prefer taking their first house on rent instead of buying. The stringent budget is also one of the reasons why people prefer taking houses on rent.

But, you need to keep your sanity in senses while opting for rented houses. Here are the things you need to keep under consideration whenever you decide to take the house on rent.

  1. Budget for the house
    Always remember the rule that your total payable rent should not exceed the 30% of your income. Check out your budget and then list down the prospective houses. Just because a house looks attractive doesn’t mean you would end up paying 50% of your income in the rent. Considering the budget is primarily important.
  2. Total cost – Check if water bill, electricity bill, maintenance and so on is included in the rent of not. A lot of landlords insist upon dividing the electricity bill and do not include that in the rent. This implies that you end up paying rent and electricity bill in addition. On the other hand, some prefer keeping it inclusive of rent. It is better to gauge the total charges you would be asked to pay.
  3. The locality – Getting to know the locality is another vital facet of the process. Checking the locality on your own and seeing how far or near is it from the railway station, shopping mall, hospital and so on should be considered. No matter how much appealing the home seems to be in case the locality is worse you won’t be wanting to stay.
  4. Power outlets and furniture –
    It is best to recheck the power outlets along with the doors, window and cabinets. This would give you an idea about the condition of the room and how much repairing work is foreseen. Moreover, you can also negotiate the rent if the power outlets, furniture and cabinets are not maintained properly.
  5. Consider pet policy –
    Considering the pet policy is good. Whether you own a pet or don’t it doesn’t matter. It Is always advisable to know a little more than usual. After all if someday you decide to adopt a pet, disappointment in the form of strict rules should not come into your way.
  6. Talk to neighbours – as much as your landlord, the neighbours play a crucial role as well. Talk to them and get accustomed to the rules and regulations. Also, try jogging what kind of neighbour are they. You wouldn’t like if you come across some neighbours who listen to music at night keeping the volume immensely high.
    Taking a home on rent definitely, saves your cost. This is one of the reasons why people prefer rented homes over new ones at least initially. Whenever you go for rent consider the given points and take the accordingly. Do let us know if we have missed any vital point.

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